Hi everyone:
The lovely and super-talented Emily from the super-pretty blog Champagne & Cupcakes has given me an award. SO COOL! Thank you...what a pick-me-up. Yes, I know I have to grade stuff, yes, I know I should put up my Mother's Day outfit, but you know what? I am going to do this first...because I SO look forward to nominating my most-read blogs. (Although if Ms. Emily or her nominator Ms. Gingersnap mentioned you...I won't renominate because I figure there are a lot of worthy blogs out there and I know you all will TOTALLY understand if I don't nominate you twice!) I wish I could nominate 25!!! I so have 25 blogs I could nominate... :)
7) Mushroom
I know that I wasn't able to include everyone...but these ladies will each nominate 7 and I know they will include some awesome choices that I read and love everyday!
Now it's your turn!!!
The lovely and super-talented Emily from the super-pretty blog Champagne & Cupcakes has given me an award. SO COOL! Thank you...what a pick-me-up. Yes, I know I have to grade stuff, yes, I know I should put up my Mother's Day outfit, but you know what? I am going to do this first...because I SO look forward to nominating my most-read blogs. (Although if Ms. Emily or her nominator Ms. Gingersnap mentioned you...I won't renominate because I figure there are a lot of worthy blogs out there and I know you all will TOTALLY understand if I don't nominate you twice!) I wish I could nominate 25!!! I so have 25 blogs I could nominate... :)
So here goes...the info:
My queenly duties include:
My queenly duties include:
1. List seven things that make us awe-summm!!!
2. Pass the award on to seven bloggers, I read religiously.
3. Tag those 7 bloggers.
4. Don't forget to link the Queen that tagged us.
5. Copy the pic and put it into your sidebar.
So, here it goes... 7 things that make me awe-summm!!!
1. I made it through a very risky birth (with Rex) and didn't die (although they said I was "this" close.
2. I teach 6th-Grade and am not certified insane (yet).
3. I happily had another baby, the beautiful CW, even though #1 had happened.
4. I am a geographical savant...show me a map...and I will show you how to get somewhere. Then I can get back to that place in the future (many years in the future, mind you) with no need of a map. I just remember where to go. This is one thing that totally freaks out my hubby.
5. I have elbows that can hyper-extend. It looks really gross, like I am suffering from broken arms. I personally think it is kind of cool, though, and will happily show it off to anyone who wants to see it!
6. I regularly eat Sea Urchin sushi (uni). Yum.
7. I was nervous about starting a blog but am so glad I did because I now have more friends than I have ever had before. :)
7 bloggers that I pass this award onto:
7) Mushroom
I know that I wasn't able to include everyone...but these ladies will each nominate 7 and I know they will include some awesome choices that I read and love everyday!
Now it's your turn!!!
Thank you so much for thinking of me and CONGRATS!!!!
I so want to see your elbows hyper-extend. Cool!!
And I so need to do this, since GingerSnap nominated me...but I think by the time I get to it, everyone will be nominated already... And yeah, more to post, too, dresses I tried on today (but did not purchase), pants that I did get when I returned something, outfit of the day, etc. Ugh! And it's almost time for the bus stop pick up!!
Thank you! Thank you!! How very nice and sweet!
Congratulations on your award Dina! :) I loved reading the 7 Awe-summ things about you!
congrats dina. heidi, ditto for me too. Pracrastination is my evil twin
Thank you for nominating me!! You're too nice:). Thanks too for sharing the interesting tidbits about yourself! It's always fun to learn little facts like that about others. I think we should travel together with your cool photographic map memory!
Congratulations to you too, Ms. dinagideon! I'm with HeidiG - we can be the ones "ooh"-ing and "aah"-ing over your elbow next time we see each other! :D
Thanks so much! I loved reading more about you! :)
Hi all:
I am so glad that Emily nominated me...not so much because I want the award (although it does feel pretty awesome--heehee) but because I wanted so badly to nominate others. I also enjoyed writing my 7 things. :) I will totally do the elbow thing for anyone who wants to see it!
I look forward to everyone else's 7 AWESUMM Things (did I spell that right?)!
ooh, ooh, ooh, I've got an idea. Can you post pics of the elbow thing??? ;)
It would have to be more of a video thing because at first it doesn't seem like that big of a deal but as you watch the process that is where the "gross-out" happens. (I basically can make my fingers touch but by turning them completely around...and it makes my elbows look like they are at a 45 degree angle.)
Maybe I will have Mr. Dina film it...
Thank you so much for nominating my blog for the award Dina! :)
A Bigger Closet: I love your blog. I wish I could comment more, but this is my way of letting you know I spend time over at your blog! :)
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