UPDATE: As I was writing this post, Boden was updating their site. It is a MESS. Nothing is where it is supposed to be and a lot of items are not showing up in searches. Well, okay then. I hope they fix it all up soon since without a fix, a lot of the items in these reviews will not be available to look at. I guess they have decided to make their site all spring earlier than I thought (see the below paragraph). Sigh.
In addition to the further reductions, Boden also has had a "new and now" portion of their site for a few weeks. These are a lot of newer arrivals (I received one, the wrap dress in the orange print*), but a few of the favorites from the fall and winter stuck around for new life in the spring. I can tell you that there are no reductions on them right now. I added a 20% off sidebar coupon below the current sale link and it *does NOT* work right now and will not until the 5th of January. Hmm. Well, I guess that is one way to run your business, but those of us who have been shopping with Boden for a (very long) while will know not to buy without a coupon (except in sale time), so I can't imagine any of the "new and now" items actually are selling all that well.
*Not loving it on me, though the print and material are exquisite. A return, for sure, but I can see others loving it.
What the new date on the promo tells me, though, with near 100% certainty, is that they will likely unveil new arrivals on January 5th, which makes sense. (Although we could argue about the smartness of unveiling spring items just after Christmas...but Boden isn't alone in this process, they were actually one of the holdouts who used to wait for more seasonable temps before unveiling the new wares.)
Okay, I guess that's it from me, now onto the IRL reviews!
Jewelled Flats. Size 40.5 or 9 1/4. I fell in love with these during the preview, but I was really unsure if the 40.5 *now just called 9 1/4* would fit me, but I figured 40 is usually too short and 41 is usually long enough but too wide. 40.5 arrived and they were a touch short but the width was perfect, so I called it a success and carefully repackaged them after. (Really important to pack them well in their original box since though secured well--at least mine are--if you are not careful, I could see wear and tear loosening up the jewels leading to jewel loss.)
Looking at them from this vantage point, they seem very in your face, but from far away, they look sparkly, but nothing especially over the top. I think it is because the golden suede body with the golden gems are monochromatic and lend a more subtle appearance to the look. The black and navy versions are contrast picks, with the jewels bright and light compared to the darker leather of the shoe itself. I think for me the contrast would be too much, but I have seen them on others and it does look quite nice.
I wore this outfit to Christmas mass and I felt appropriately festive and pretty. The shoes definitely made me smile. At one point my brother brought down the kneeler and it nearly crushed the big jewel but I was quick and stopped him before it damaged the shoes. He felt bad and looked so sorry! They were fine. The only jewel, in fact, that came off was at the very back of the shoe on the right one, and it was the tiniest jewel. The only reason I know there was a jewel there was because it had a thread dangling from the spot where it had been.
I want to warn you, though, jewel loss is not uncommon. Please visit this BWRR for a friend's experiences with these shoes and how much jewel loss she experienced.
The side view shows a bit more sparkle, but again, nothing excessive. I really loved how well they paired with the (ancient) Banana Republic dress. Remember when Banana Republic would have items like this on the regular?

Jewelled Flat. Stocks are low, but makes sense since the price is really low, too. If your size pops back and you like the price, you will have to grab it quick since others are likely to love the bling at the reduced price. (OH, and good luck getting to the page for the jewelled flat, btw, with all the issues Boden's site is having today, you may not get there. Grrr. Let me know if you are successful, please!)

Hartland Dress. I wore this to sub a couple of weeks ago. The stocks are running low in this dress, as well, especially in the super reduced price colors. (Boden's site is *also* having issues with this one.)

Beatrice Dress, Isla Dress, Eliza Coat, and Low Heeled Loafer. I wore these two dresses, coat, and the pair of loafers for my go as a substitute teacher. Both days required me to be more "dressy" so I chose these two as the best options for the outings. Beatrice Dress is fully stocked, but good luck getting it in your bag with the site issues, however the Isla Dress and Low Heeled Loafers are definitely low in stock (if not completely out of stock). That said, popbacks are a regular occurrence so be on the lookout for those items. The coat seems to still be pretty well stocked.

Embellished Eliza Top. Lou's cost her but a song, and she looks beautiful in it. Good choice, Lou! :-)

Sparkle Tee. Lou chose to get this in navy and the sparkles really dress up the tee.

Embellished Sweater. Well, ha, not the Boden version (the photo link is to Boden), but rather the near perfect duplicate from Next. Lou was near to buying the Boden version but found the Next one instead and for a better price. My stepmother loves hers (the Boden one) from last year, so I can say if you can get a version, you will likely find yourself reaching for it on the regular. I can't find the Next version anywhere online, so if you have a link, would you mind sharing?
Okay, I *think* that's it. If I missed a blog post from you that you have published, do email me or link to it in the comments. I hope I didn't, but you never know!
Good luck with all the site issues over at Boden. That place is a hot mess right now. You hear me, Boden people? It's a pigsty. LOL.
If you can get the site to work, the below link will get you to the newly reduced second cuts. Hopefully.
Shop Boden's Winter Sale with Up to 70% Off EVERYTHING