Modern Capital is THE blog that turned me on to this whole "blog" thing. You wonderful J. Crew bloggers only furthered my desire to have one of my own.
So Modern Capital is a blog solely devoted to mid-century modern architecture of the DC region. The site owner really knows his stuff and seeks out real estate listings for cool, funky, mid-century homes in this area. He doesn't limit it to one part of the region, instead it incorporates all of what would be considered DC metro. He has on his blogs many listings from Alexandria, Annandale, Bethesda, Rockville, DC itself (especially Southwest), and Reston. Since it is mid-century modern, he doesn't include (for obvious reasons) any of the bungalows in Arlington or beautiful townhomes of Alexandria. You will see on his site more one-level houses with expanses of glass filling the front of the home to vertical-sided two story homes with cathedral ceilings and clerestory windows.
I check his blog got so bad over the summer that my husband said, "you read this guy's blog more than his own mother." And to that I say, Damn right I do! (My husband has since admitted that he is glad I know all about this architecture style...he enjoys taking walks with me and having me point out the most obscure features of all the modern homes in our neighborhood.)
Anyhow, I let the owner of Modern Capital know that I saw a cool contemporary home for sale in the neighborhood I teach (I have been swooning over this house for years), and he posted the info on his blog! WHEE! (Okay, very nerdy that I am excited by this...but for crying out loud, people, what did you expect...the name of my blog is my superfluities!) You were warned when you clicked on the link that said "my superfluities," and not some more easygoing name like, "rex's momma" or "teachswimparentlove."
So head on over is totally worth it! And let the site owner know if you find anything mid-century and cool for sale in your 'hood. I am sure he will appreciate it!
I heart you, moderncapital blog!
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