
Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Look for My Blog...

The picture used in the header is one I took in Scotland about 4 years ago. I love, love, love Scotland and although it has very little to do with my kids, J. Crew, Northern Virginia, or mid-century modern architecture, it is my blog, so I guess I can do what I want! :) I may change it soon, or not. I never quite know when I will get sick of seeing that image or feel like a new "me."

The pic was taken on the Isle of Arran in western Scotland. The specific place is called Lochranza on the northern part of the island. We were staying at the Castlekirk B & B (which has a view of the Castle across the way--only accessible by foot when the tide is out--how cool)!

For more info on this place, go here:
or or



  1. Love the picture! for the blogger newbie - how do you add a picture to the header?

    ps - my word verification is brograte. Is that an ingrate who happens to be your brother?

  2. Hey! Yay for Saturday night! I was perplexed, just like you, on how to add a goes:

    Click "customize" at the top of your page...

    Then click "edit" in the space that says "header." (This will also have the title of your blog next to it.)

    Then it should have a place to choose or browse for a photo, either on your computer (which is what I did) or on the net.

    My pic was VERY LARGE so I had to "fit" to screen. I would suggest that if your digital shots are above 4 megapixels, which is probably the case.

    If you take from the web, they are usually sized down, so you shouldn't have to "fit" to screen.

    Hope that helps.

    BTW, I have gotten CHERIE before, which I love. Brogate is hilarious. It reminds me of my brother involved in some sort of political scanadal, a la Watergate.

    Have a nice night...

  3. Scotland is one of my favorite places. I only made it to Edinburgh, but *will* go back to the Highlands.
    And a great picture. :)

  4. Nice new look for your blog. Beautiful picture.

    By the way....enjoy the snow!!

  5. KatyO.: Get thee to Scotland's highlands, stat! I cannot profess my love for that part of the world enough...

    Beth: Thank you! I love taking photos and every once in a while, I score a great shot.

    It is now 4 inches plus at 6:45 am on Monday...still coming down...and yes, I am up this early...darn this teacher schedule (you get used to it eventually, ugh).


Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!