
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some frivolity (in the form of a bag and a pic of CW)!

Here is a bit of a brain break (and frivolity) for those of you at work. Look what I found at Border's last night...the darn cutest felt bag with an owl on it...DARLING! I believe it is by the company Paperchase. It was about 4 dollars and I bought it as a present for CW. (Who else does this? She is barely 5 months old and I am buying her things she won't probably be able to use until she is at least 5!) Whatever...

Here is another reason I bought it...CW looks like this owl...especially when her eyes get REAL big and she is concentrating real hard...

Like here, in this picture. By the way, she LOVES this exersaucer thing. We bought it for Rex originally and he loved it, too. It finally occurred to us, this last weekend, that CW could enjoy it, too. AND DOES SHE EVER! It is her new favorite thing...can't wait till the owl bag is her favorite thing...


  1. you know, i was wondering if she would fit that. :D yay-ness!

  2. She is just precious.Those eyes, just ooh and aaah!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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