
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Teacher Professional (or what I should probably wear to work every day)...

I wore this today because it is cold out, was supposed to snow, and I can't wear jeans on Tuesdays (only Fridays). I put VERY little thought into this outfit...I still like it, but it is one of those "easy" outfits.

The shirt is Nine West, bought at Macy's and silk. It is a button-down and reminds me a little of a blouse ladies in the 40s would have worn. It is also very comfortable.

The khakis are the wonderful madison stretch chinos from last spring (bring them back, J. Crew!). The J. Crew cardigan is the pewter merino ruffle-neck version from this fall. The shoes, from J. Crew (where else?) are the siena metallic leather driving mocs in guava, also from this fall.

I normally love to wear brighter colors/more colors, but my clotheshorse self needed a break! I usually get worn out from teaching (SO MANY THINGS TO DO) that I let my clothes creativity slide a little bit...but honestly, everyone does this every so often!

Also, I have suspicion some of the other teachers would like it if I toned my wardrobe down a bit...I think they want me to show up in their know, capri pants, bland, one-color shirts, loose cardigans, and sensible shoes. I prefer to live on the edge. :) Thank goodness J. Crew brights are as out there as I get...could you imagine a punk me with black lipstick?

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