
Friday, February 27, 2009

Yellow, Teal, and Khaki for Spring (or Spring-like) Weather!

So even though I feel like complete CRUD, I wanted to at least look presentable for school today. I have that ridiculous cold running wild here in NOVA and because I have NO days left in my sick/personal leave (yep, maternity leave), I have to go to work. LOVELY POLICY! (Not...)

I am glad it is Friday because I can wear jeans to work. AND guess what? I have lost another pound, so I am HALFWAY to my goal weight. I had 32 pounds to lose and I have lost 16 (I started at Thanksgiving, not right after CW was born in September). I am a mere 4 pounds away from what I weighed before I got pregnant with Rex. My ultimate goal is my old-skinny minnie self from 5 years ago.

So why do I mention weight and jeans? Because I am wearing some of my skinny jeans that I bought before I got pregnant with Rex. WOO! They are some Levis that are faded and skinny (kind of like the matchstick by J. Crew). The top is J. Crew Collection, the daisy-eyelet cotton top from summer 2008 (not on polyvore, sigh). The shoes are J. Crew, salina patent-leather in peacock (teal). The necklace is my "witch" necklace (or so says Jim) from J. Crew, January 2008 (not on polyvore, either). The trench is my beloved "keegan" or washed ruffle-collar trench from J. Crew.

Even though Polyvore only had a couple of the pieces, I managed to make a set that looked similar enough. Go here to see it:

So here it is on me, Ms. Sicky...I feel good in this outfit. I love this color pretty! The eyelets are just gorgeous in real life. The headband is also J. Crew, from winter 2007.

Here I am holding darling Rex's hand (he wanted something from the fridge). The trench polished this outfit up a bit...I feel vaguely retro wearing this coat. The peek of color beneath the coat was enough so I didn't roll the sleeves of the coat up (the lining is this pretty pink/red color).

I look ghastly right now (it is the afternoon) makeup is almost all gone from the constant use of tissues and I look a bit feverish, too. Oh, well, at least my outfit has stood the test of time!


  1. I love how you put together outfits -- especially liking this yellow & teal combo. You've inspired me to find some teal espadrilles for spring!

  2. Francesca (love your name): Thank you so much...I love these colors, too. Good luck on your hunt for those espadrilles... :)

  3. I am wearing yellow & teal (actually honey glaze & peacock) today too! Great minds think alike! Love the daisy eyelet top.

    I think your Polyvore set is cute! I just made my first Polyvore set today. It's addicting.

  4. I think you look fantastic! What a great way to put beautiful colors together- I really adore this outfit on you!

    If you did not mention you don't feel well-I would not have guessed- you look radiant as always!

  5. You look great. I do tend to dress up when I feel like crud as it actually does lift me up a bit. Hope you get lots of good rest this weekend. I know, I know, with 2 little ones, it's not easy.

  6. fabulous color combo. You look fantastic!

  7. Dina,Sorry to hear you are sick and have no days left to call out. My mom is a teacher so I hear the stories... But anyway I can see you are still on a teal and yellow trend! If it aint broke dont fix it. Looking wonderful as always and one of the "Best dress Teachers ever"!

  8. SO cute! You're so put together! I love those peacock? color shoes on you! You always know how to add a pop of color!

  9. Your parents must think you are so stylish! I never had a teacher that dressed like you! Bravo for going to work sick. That must be really tough.

  10. You look soooo great in yellow! It's such a hard color to wear, but it's just beautiful on you. :) (And the teal shoes are great with it!)

  11. Your outfit is absolutely adorable! I'm a graduate student and use your blog as a great way to procrastinate when I'm supposed to be studying :)

    I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your blog and am glad to see J. Crew clothes on a real woman's body (helps me decide what might look good on me)! I hope that once I have kids, I can look as great as you do! Keep up the great blog!

  12. Emily: I think we must have been posting on each other's blogs at the same time...hilarious!

    I hope to see more polyvore from you...your first was very cute!

    Slastena: Thank you for your compliment...I indeed was sick (and still am--I probably won't post today because of this yuck-storm called a cold). I hope you had an awesome time last night!!!

    HeidiG: Yeah, I am sort of "resting," but even napping, I still have to hold the baby because she just won't have it any other way. Oh, well, doesn't matter...actually is super-sweet! Rex and Jim are going out tonight to give me a little while to just rest. I think it may's to hoping!

    Sparrowsandsparkles: THANK YOU! :)

  13. Mslay: Yes, I have noticed people who are related to teachers really "get" how hard it is to go to work sometimes, esp. sick. On the surface the teacher's job seems so easy...short hours, many days off, but the deeper story is so much more complex...students who frustrate you to the point of tears, the constant grading, speaking with impossible parents, etc. Sometimes it's not just the physical tiredness, it is also the emotional tiredness...

    Thanks for coming by! I love it that you visit so often!

    Ashley: I seem to live by the mantra "pop of color." Even feeling blah, I throw it on and there you go. I think I have worn all-neutrals exactly once in the past ten years, and it may have been to a funeral.

    Gwen: I have no idea what the parents think of me, but I know the kids love it all...they are not yet J. Crew ready (still big lovers of Abercrombie and Hollister), but I always chuckle at their compliments. One time, a boy even complimented my shoes. WOW!

    KatyO.: I feel so lucky that I can wear yellow and is a hard color for most of the skin colors in the middle (olive, medium, etc.). I have seen though that the super-pale (that would be me) and the super-dark can wear it. One of the ladies I teach with calls me her twin because she wears the "brights," too and she is way, way darker than me! Another good thing about this? These colors are always on the sale rack at the end of the season...

    Ellen (marabve): I am keeping you from your work? NO! ;) Glad to help you "study." I have found that slastena's website and many of the other blogs I follow help me with my "planning." I won't tell if you won't tell.

    I do feel that I need to continue posting on this blog (outside of the fact that I really enjoy it)...I think presenting a person in J. Crew clothes in the bigger sizes (now 6-10 in tops and 10-12 in bottoms) will remind people that if you dress your body in the right size (I don't give two toots what my size is...), you can look pretty darn good. My friends always go on about how they can't wear J. Crew, but I think they gave up too soon, probably after trying a size that was too small for them...

    One thing I would like the stores to change? Can we get some 14s at the stores? I am fine when I go to the stores...but hello, why is 12 the largest size they have there?


Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!