
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Part Four of my Florida Vacation...or Tuesday, April 7, and Wednesday, April 8, 2009!!!

First, I need to apologize for waiting so long to publish today's post. I had intended to post this on Sunday, along with my Easter outfit. But then I received the beloved Uncle Jerry, who basically acted a lot like a grandpa, was on his way down. At 7:22 pm, he passed away in his sleep. We all knew his health was failing, but none of us knew when he would actually pass away. We are a very strong, faithful, Catholic family, so even though we have heavy hearts about losing him, we feel for Uncle Jerry to pass away on Easter is so fitting and special. He lost his own two children to polio when they were very small. I believe they were there waiting for him and welcoming him. And knowing how loved all of the children of our family were by him (it makes me incredibly sad that CW never got to meet him), I am sure when he saw his precious Donny and Margie, he had the biggest smile on his face ever.

I am heading out to California this Thursday morning. I am heading out with just CW. Sadly, Rex and Mr. Dina (thanks for the name idea, Gigiofca) cannot make it...too expensive. What is funny about all this? Mr. Dina rightly pointed out that CW and I are amongst a small handful of people who have gone to Disneyworld's Magic Kingdom one week and then to Disneyland the next. Walt would be proud. What is bittersweet? The last time we went to Disneyland was with Uncle Jerry for Rex's first visit ever (see above pic). back to the Florida outfits...these are the last two. Tuesday was really cold, but we had NO idea when we left. Lucky for us we brought a few jackets. We went to Universal Studios that day and saw a lot of folks wearing Universal Studios hoodies, coats, sweatshirts, etc. I think that is how these parks make money...they fool everyone into believing Florida is warm all the time and then getcha when it is cold. :) But we were prepared!

I had forgotten to put this outfit in my polyvore, but here it is...a lime green polo with crab critters all over it from summer 2008 (J. Crew), a pair of J. Crew stretch summerweight shorts (11" inseam) in dark honey (or something like that) from this season, and of course, the lovely critter flip-flops (I guess Tuesday was a critter day).
I don't really have a lot of time to write about Universal Studios, so I will have to post on the experience later. We did have fun...even though this happened (see next photo):

Yep...that's right, Dina got sun- and wind-burned. So did Rex and CW. Mr. Dina was fine...he wore a hat. So did you know that when it is cold but the sun is bright and closer to you that you can burn? Yeah, I know, all you ski-bunnies get that, but for a proud flat-lander like myself, it didn't even freaking occur to me.

I think I should have packed a green top for this outfit (would be a lot less jarring against my very pink skin), but how was I to know I would get burned? I had wanted to wear shorts or something other than this, but darnit, it was cold again. So out came my fly-home outfit early for our last day in Orlando (we went back to Downtown at same time as Universal, maybe...). The sweater is a cashmere short-sleeve top from Garnet Hill. Ladies, the cashmere in this sweater is probably a hundred times softer than the J. Crew cashmere. Admittedly it is a bit more expensive, but if you buy it on sale (like I did), it can be a reasonable price. Plus I love wearing cashmere on's cozy without being cumbersome. The pants are the chambray cocktail pants from the Pants, Pants, and More Pants post. They are definitely getting to be too loose. WOO! And, yep, the lovely critter flip-flops.

You all have a nice night and Wednesday morning. :) I will get back in my groove soon may just take awhile (darn grades...they take forever to do and have to be turned it at the absolute worst time for me)!


  1. So sorry for your loss. JCA's seem like family after a while.

  2. Dina, I am so sorry. My prayers go out to you and your family. Beautiful pics. Thanks for taking the time to share. I missed your posts and was hoping that you were ok

  3. So sorry for your loss. Will keep you in my thoughts.
    Like Patina, I was worried too. Do what you need to do, and we'll be here when you get back and settled! :)

  4. My sympathies for your loss. Have a safe trip to CA.

  5. Oh Dina, I am so sorry for your loss! You and your family are in my prayers. :)

  6. Oh Dina, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. But your images of his children welcoming him into heaven are beautiful, and I'm sure it makes it a little easier to grieve.

    Great outfits. It's funny how cold weather in Florida confuses people! One of the most vivid memories I have of living in FLA (i was in Tampa) was seeing A snowflake. just one. it was a random winter day just on the cusp of spring, and it "flurried" and I caught ONE flake. everyone was freaking out, and I think my mom bought me my first (and perhaps only) FLA sweater that day :)

  7. Dina, I am so very sorry for your loss... your uncle is with his children now, and I'm sure he's looking over you and your family. It's always sad to lose someone you love, but you have gained another angel watching over you. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

  8. Dina,
    I am sorry for your loss. I'll be thinking of you.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss, Dina. Have a safe trip.

  10. Dina, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  11. My prayers are with you and your family! I am very sorry for your loss.

  12. Dina, I hope you & your family continue to be comforted by sweet memories of Uncle Jerry. I love the photo.

    I *knew* that was pink cashmere. Me loveth.

  13. Everyone:

    Your prayers were so important to me and my family. We needed them last week. We all miss Uncle Jerry dearly. I am glad that I was able to get back to CA...if I hadn't been able to go I would have been very torn I was unable to get complete closure (if you know what I mean).

    His love for kids is what keeps me together when I almost lose it with kids around me. Uncle Jerry rarely lost his temper with children (but often lost it with adults--so I knew he could get angry). As a teacher and a mom that quality of "keeping it together" is so very special.

    You all have been so patient waiting for me to post...I truly appreciate your understanding!

  14. I totally missed this post last week - not sure what I was doing. Love the FL pics - like the pink cashmere that matches your face. :)

    Again, so sad to hear about your Uncle Jerry, but so glad that you were able to go to CA for the services and be with family. Being able to say goodbye among family and friends is so important. You have been in my thoughts...


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