
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Very Bright and Very Casual for School on Friday, June 12, 2009!!!

So here is the quick story about why I wore this outfit to school on Friday instead of something more formal.

On Thursday, my coworker showed up to school (and she drove--keep that in mind) in a pair of ratty orange shorts, a very oversized tee-shirt, and a pair of old shoes. I was wearing (for contrast), a pencil skirt by J. Crew (you will see the review later today), an Anthropologie top, and a pair of Linea Paolo kitten heels. So I went up to her and said, "if you can wear that today (not even a Friday!), then I am so going to wear something more casual tomorrow when I walk to school tomorrow."

And I did. I figured if no one batted an eyelash at her outfit on what should be a dressier day at our school, then I probably could plead my case on a Friday when it is not only more "casual," but I am also walking two miles to school in 85 degree heat with near 100% humidity.

(And to tell the truth, my casual outfit is still more fitted and polished than my coworker's.) I adore my coworker, and she adores me, but we have very different styles! :)

Best part of this story...people are so used to me dressing up that I was asked if I was going on a field trip! So funny...

Here is the polyvore. This is a very busy polyvore...but I was feeling especially creative on Friday...must have been because of my relaxed outfit...

Here it is full-length. I will say this...I felt about a trillion times better wearing this on my walk than a couple of weeks ago when I walked to school and wore jeans, tennis shoes, and a blouse. It was just as hot and humid, and I nearly collapsed from how hot I was getting...

The fit-flops are fantastic. I have no idea if they work, but I will say that I have not had legs this thin since I was in my early 20s. So yay the shoes or yay me for doing enough exercise to reduce my overall size.

The shirt is just your average run of the mill polo. I like the colors, though...

The shorts are from J. Crew, Spring 2006. This is from when J. Crew was all about the bright. Which sadly they are not right now...

And of course, the ubiquitous shot of my favorite little girl. See how she matches me? Totally planned. Not. ;)

Later today, my outfit I wore to go to the zoo with the kiddies yesterday. I wore a mini-skirt. Yes, I did. And I survived.


  1. You (both) look adorable as always. Don't you just love the fit flops? I just feel like they're doing something as I walk ...

  2. I just went back to the beginning of your blog. It's cool to see how the inches have fallen off of you. And CW was so little back then! She has grown so much. I love the way she is holding onto your shirt collar in this post. So cute!

  3. You look fabulous - even for a "casual day". I bet it did feel so much better walking 2 miles in that! I spent all day yesterday walking around DC and my legs about fell off.

  4. I love you polyvore. you look cool and ready for summer. I love your outfit and cw is gorgeous...i have never heard of fit flops *going to check them out*

  5. Can't wait to see the review of the mini skirt. I'm thinking of buying one but at 5'9", do I dare?

  6. The colors in this outfit are so pretty on you! And CW is adorable as always. :)

  7. I've wondered about the fit-flops. Thanks for your quick review!

  8. (A little late on the comments, but here I go...)

    I love the colors of your outfit! Perfect for summer - bright but oh-so-cool! You look sunny, as usual! ;)

    CW, what else can I say about you that I haven't said before? I'll just say it again, you are too cute and pretty for words!! MWAHMWAHMWAH!! Heehee.

    And Dina...where's your miniskirt review? ;S

  9. Great outfit - love the colors on you and the coordination with CW...but waiting on the skirt review... (yeah, and I haven't posted since Thurs, hehe. guess I should be doing that - or working.)

  10. Stylestance: I really hope the fit flops are doing something as I walk...but if not at least I am walking...and they are really really comfortable shoes. :)

    Sparrowsandsparkles: Thank you...summery is definitely the way to describe this outfit!!!

    Anon at 10:56: Aren't you just the sweetest! I totally appreciate your compliments...I forget how much weight I have lost...until I look at my older is amazing that I came so far. I am glad I have those pics, though...if I was still that weight I would be proud of myself no matter what. It takes an awful lot to have children and I would rather be a bit heavier and have kids than the reverse! For me to have both is just the most amazing blessing in the world. :)

    Summerilla: I will never ever walk to a school building in the middle of a heat spell without being sensible about clothing. Today I walked to school and I was drenched with sweat by the time I arrived. (AND I was wearing shorts, Earth sandals, and a lightweight top...that is how freaking hot it is outside...INSANE!) I loved your post about your trip to DC, you and your friend look like you had such a very nice time! (Even if your legs were about to fall!)

    Patina: If you could get away with fit flops and nursing, I would say go for it...they are very very comfortable. Even if they don't live up to their claim of taking away inches (who knows?), the comfort factor is very important in your profession...that is for darn sure!

  11. melissamolasses: miniskirt review next...then the review of the pencil skirt. PROMISE!!! (And hopefully both today...we'll see!)

    A Bigger Closet: I adore these is too darn bad that J. Crew seems to be shying away from them me these bright colors are iconic of the long, hot American summers. And to me that is sort what J. Crew is...iconic of some sort of "American" look. Being from Canada, what do you think of J. Crew? In the U.S. J. Crew has always sort of stood as an "American" clothes it seems to be going in the direction of more fashion forward. I am okay with the new direction...I just miss the old, bright colors!

    Tina: No you have any more questions about them? I have had them for a I could probably answer it...

    Drewablank: Thank you so much...I am going to give CW a big ole smooch from you when I get home. BTW, I sent you an e-mail...check your account!!!

    HeidiG.: If you work on your new posts, I will work on mine...teehee!

  12. Dina,

    As promised I went to a different browser and now can comment to your blog.

    You look adorable, but I would like say that if you were in a burlap sack and covered from head to toe in mud. :) I do look forward to seeing your outfits every day, and occasionally being your guest photographer.




Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!