
Monday, October 5, 2009

So, Yes, This Was Unexpected, But I'll Take 'Em...aka Heirloom Flora Earrings for a Tired Momma...

BTW, as you are reading this (provided you read it tonight 10/5/09), I am attempting (or so I hope--Baby CW is being VERY NEEDY) to finish commenting back...I feel terrible for not commenting sooner, but I truly promise it isn't because I don't want is because my family makes it kind of hard to find the time I need...I actually can publish posts faster than I can comment (probably because posts are just me talking to myself, which I find really easy...go ahead, make fun, I know, I know...).


I call my bro this afternoon to check on the babies, and after confirming that they were in fact, alive and napping (lucky Peter), I asked him if I got any mail, and he confirms that yes, I did get a white, small package. Yes, it appears that, I, dinagideon, was a recipient of the much discussed earrings over at J. Crew Aficionada. Hmmm...and dinagideon begins the speculation.

#1--I received it under my maiden name, not my married name (which you all will never ever know...gotta have one thing I keep quiet). Now I have not made many purchases under my maiden name in a long time, but a lot of my correspondence happens with my maiden name, including a lot of the stuff I do with this blog. Hmm...

#2--My personal shopper knows my married is on my credit card info...but the e-mail I use to discuss stuff with her is under my maiden name.

#3--I used to receive two catalogs in the mail, one for my married name and one for my maiden name (I know, get the act together, J. Crew), but now I only receive one for my MARRIED name, so I thought that J. Crew only knew me as my married name (and HAD indeed gotten their act together).

#4--I don't know. I just don't know. Hmmm...

#5--No free shipping code...hmmm...

#6--The earrings are BEAUTIFUL, so regardless, I am enamored. In fact, I love them so much that I wore them this afternoon to Border's Bookstore and received a compliment on them from one of the sales people. (And my bro, he REALLY likes them...) So, however I received them, thank you, J. Crew. Very cool.

#7--That said, what is the impetus? I really want all cardholders to receive this. I think, like has been said over at JCA, the "perks" of being a cardholder should be unconditional, like at Banana Republic. (I am assuming I received this because of my card...I know it is under my maiden name...but you know, I seriously haven't bought anything with that name in a LONG time.)

Peter took this pic of me wearing the earrings. They are in fact, very comfortable to wear, and of the right shade that they could be worn with many different outfits.

P.S. I made the photo "glow" because I was very tired when this was taken, and honestly, a "glow" (thank you, Picasa) makes it all a little bit better. ;)

A photo of the earring close-up. So shiny.

Gotta love a grosgrain-tied silver package. So pretty.

Have a great day. Maybe we can unwrap the mystery of the earrings sooner or later...yes, I just said "unwrap." And yes, I know, bad pun.


  1. I just wanted to comment on the mystery of who gets the earrings because as I said over at jca I received TWO boxes - one addressed to my husband - who never shops at jcrew but is a card holder - and one addressed to me - I always use his card, never the one with my name - in fact - where is that card? I can't find it. Both boxes had the earrings! Can you believe it!!! Two pairs. The mystery deepens.....

  2. Oooooh I am so jealous! I wish I got a pair of those babies! You are one lucky girl! Yet, JC's rhyme and reason still hasn't been sorted out yet!

  3. Congrats on the lovely Flora earrings! I'd love to find those in my mailbox. Thanks for the comments about why you think you were targeted by JC for this gift. Very interesting indeed...Anyway, you look truly elegant in them. Enjoy!

  4. Yay! Congrats - like GingerSnap I wish I had received them, they are GORGEOUS! I was thinking since I did my change of address through the post office and haven't changed it through JCrew yet I bet even if I did get sent something I wouldn't ever see it. The post office doesn't forward junk mail - I know they are not junk but that's how the post office sees those types of packages - LAME! I haven't had anything forwarded from JCrew. Not even the catalogs. I really need to call and switch it all asap!

    But you look great in them and you really deserve them!

  5. I got the free shipping code "VIP" card last Friday, so I'm quite sure that was my perk and I won't be receiving earrings. Total bummer. Really makes me want to NOT order anything with the FS, you know? Jerkies...

    They are gorgeous and gorgeous on you - enjoy!!

  6. Yay on getting the earrings! I too am baffled by how J.Crew chooses who to send what to, but at least some lucky cardholders out there get to enjoy some spontaneous gifts. :)

  7. Congrats!!! The earrings are gorgeous and so sparkly!! Still checking my mailbox every day for a little package!! :)

  8. Here's a thought regarding the gifties: What if Personal Shoppers were allowed to select and submit the names of maybe 10 of their top or favorite customers to corporate, and that's how the gifts get doled out? I don't have a PS and have never recieved the gifties. Seems like the common denominator could be the PS...

  9. Congrats. I am so jealous! The earrings are so pretty.

  10. They look absolutely lovely on you! I'm so glad that you got these earrings - certainly great timing, I would say. ;)

    I have long since given up on getting anything free or special from J.Crew. They're just way to random to get all flippity about. Oh well.

  11. Hi, guys! Only one more post to comment back on (the one about the OBX) and I will almost be caught back up...YAY! I think I will leave the OBX comments till tomorrow because I am so INTRIGUED on what is going on...I feel like some sort of investigator. (Oh, my, I knew day I would lose my mind completely and start living a life like Inspector Gadget...oh, dear.)

    ladolcevita: Yeah, I read that over at JCA. CRAZY! Your friends should be very pleased when they get that present...awesome for them!!!

    Gingersnap: You would look so pretty in them and you would take the most delightful close-up of them, too!!! Boo!!! I want my sweet gingersnap (and all you all) to get them. I mean, we are the 5% of J. Crew shoppers who spread the buzz...look, I ripped the package open and wore them RIGHT away, I know the rest of you would, too, right? :) Well, anyhow, who knows what is to come? Maybe some of you all will get cashmere scarves? Huh...well, hopefully if that happens they choose a cashmere that is AWESOME and doesn't pill...

    They could just give you a cardi to celebrate your love of the cardi party. ;)

    JKW: I knew that if I got them, I would blog about it very quickly, because I am sort of bugged about how this all works...I love reading about marketing and I feel like this (although very welcome and pleasing, obviously) is potentially harmful, too. I mean, if I didn't get them and I was a cardholder, what would I have thought? I probably would have been pretty ticked off...happy for others, but ticked. Is that really a good idea on J. Crew's part? My ticked off butt would have gone and happily bought more from Boden, probably. :)

    Summerilla: Yeah, the mail can SUCK. I had some things only make it to my new house because the new owner (super-nice) wanted to make sure I got the mail. And thank goodness, because one of them was a CHECK. Duh!!! That isn't junk mail, people!!!

    I was happy to receive them because they are pretty, but honestly I was NOT expecting them, so when I got them (today when I am very tired and frankly a bit irritated at life--I know, me, Miss Happy), I was immediately kind of have that effect on me. I once got a tube of Chanel mascara in the mail for free and you would have thought I had won a million dollars that was how happy I was... :)

    HeidiG.: You COULD order 15 separate orders of $5 sale items just so J. Crew would be charged $5 shipping on every order...that would work out to $75 in shipping charges. Then you could resell the $5 items for $10, giving you an overall profit of $75. And then you could buy the flora earrings, and still have $30 left over. Of course then you would have to use the $30 for shipping...Oh, well, just forget I said anything. ;) (Can you tell Mr. Dina works with a bunch of economists? I seriously have conversations just like this with him...)

    Amy Kelinda: Baffling. I like that word. Perfect. :)

    Kathryn: I hope you get them...let us know, okay? :)

    MARY: Huh, that is a thought!!! I like my personal shopper, she ROCKS, but I have only worked with her once or twice, so I really doubt I am high on her list...but if that was it, I would be UBER-touched. Very sweet of her if that is the case!

    Rosa: Thank you!!! I was so excited to wear them today...I had on such a simple outfit (for me, anyhow), and it really did dress it up!

    Have a great tired, sore, feeling old a** is off to bed...thank goodness!

  12. Drewablank: And for you, my dear, I have to chime back CUTE. GREAT word.

    BTW, Pete said they would go really well with a certain beautiful bracelet that a certain oh-so-sweet lady gave to me just the other week (which I have worn at least twice a week since). :) So cute...I love how Pete remembers this stuff. He also helps me look for Cole Haan shoes when we shop. It is AWESOME. He knows what a cole-haan box looks like...

    Wait, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah, earrings. I need sleep. You sleep well, too, okay? Facebook me so we can talk about plans (whenever the heck I can find time)...

  13. Congrats on the earrings! They look just lovely on you! And what a nice surprise. Glad to hear they're still trickling out. :)

  14. The earrings look gorgeous on you... and the glow!
    I'm a JC cardholder and I'll be checking my mail box...fingers crossed, but not hoping much...

  15. dina, i am so happy for you. they are gorgeous earrings and you look beautiful wearing them. congrats!!!

  16. You don't need to respond Dina. I really LOVE the earrings on you. How cool that they just showed up at your door! Neat.

    Very pretty.


  17. aww congratulations! they look lovely on you :)

  18. Oh my, they look fabulous on you! Congrats on receiving such a beautiful surprise! And you do NOT need the "glow" setting, my always glow!

  19. Anon at 8:46 pm...I will delete your comment because it is not necessary. I understand where you are coming from, but I really can't have your comment on this page (BTW, it has NOTHING to do with the earrings or even fashion, so no worries, folks). (It wasn't even mean-spirited, but I have to delete it...)

  20. I got a free shipping code on any order (although it had already expired!) to my maiden name yesteday. VERY STRANGE. I never get anything with my married name. I swear it's cos I've dissed J.Crew a few times on my blog - mainly because I've been unfortunate enough to have many of my sale orders cancelled.

    What can you do....

    The earrings look LOVELY on you!

  21. No problem, I understand. I work in IT specializing in Internet privacy/security (and I also happen to like JCrew). Based on your comment in your post about your married name, I just wanted to make sure you were aware that it was easy to figure out your name, address, etc from the pieces of personal info you've included in your blog over time. If you are concerned about keeping your married name private, you may want to go through all of your posts and remove identifying information. I understand if you want to delete this comment too. Best regards

  22. Dina,

    This is the picture I really liked of you.



Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!