
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I Still Watch the Real World. And This is What I Will Watch it in Tonight...

Tonight the 23rd season of the Real World will debut on MTV. This season it is in D.C. Yippee!!! Little known secret (not so little anymore): I desperately wanted to be on the Real World (back in the 90s), but I only wanted to audition if it took place somewhere near where I that narrowed it down to D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond. Well, there wasn't a chance in heck MTV was going to have the show in Baltimore or Richmond (population is too small), but I kept holding out hope...and then I got older, graduated, got a job, found a husband, found another job, had some babies, and THAT is when MTV brings the Real World to D.C. Sigh. Read more about it here at the Washington Post. I like the writing in this article and I agree with most everything said, but who cares if the show is too staid and boring and formulaic? I say, BRING IT ON. I kind of like watching the messes these trouble twentysomethings create for themselves. I am morally 100% different than most of these cast members, but these lovely young people take me to a place that I have been before (if only we could mature emotionally as quickly as we do physically) and remind me that I never, ever want to go back there. But I doubt I will ever stop watching. Sorry, Mr. Dina.

The polyvore of the outfit that I am going to be wearing while watching the premiere (also to the mall if we go there tonight). The shoes are different. I actually am wearing some Etienne Aigner flats in navy blue that I got at TJ Maxx for a song.

Sizes (info on pieces is in the polyvore):
Blazer: 8.
Top: Small.
Pants: 8. (Quick Review--I love the look of these cropped ripstop cargo pants. They are long enough and the right color to wear in the winter but can definitely be worn, easily, in the summer with a tank--maybe yellow--and a pair of flip flops. I am wearing my normal size in these pants. They seem to be getting looser--bit stretchy--as I am wearing them. One thing, one of the two buttons popped off. The pants are made well, but the buttons are not tacked on very securely--GRRRR!)
Shoes: 9.5.

By the way, I apologize for the quality of these photos. I need to get Mr. Dina to take the photos before he leaves in the morning. But of course I can't seem to really function until after he leaves the house, so I guess this is the best I can offer. I DO have a tripod but I was too lazy to pull it out. Whatevs...

This photo was done with the timed shutter release on the camera. I was incapable of making a normal face, but at least precious CW snuck in and made the photo more interesting.

One more thing. Take a look at the polyvore above. The dress is GORGEOUS and one that I got today with the extra 20% special, but I don't think this ever was on until today. I would have surely seen it before. It is such a beautiful print (and I have seen the print before but cannot remember what it is called). I believe the dress shape is the same as the ruffled cotton-sateen dress that I wore here, but in that amazing print.

The dress is available in all sizes, so I got an 8...which should be loose but in a good way...

Does anyone know anything at all about this dress? Do you think I am right and that it has never been on the website before? It just seems weird that an old print (from a couple of years ago) would show up on a dress and then be 100% available in all sizes at a great sale price--but Final Sale, so let's hope it works out for me!!! Help me out. I tried googling its name, and not ONE thing popped up. Bizarre.

Have a great day. I won an award--yippee--and this time I 100% promise to do the post on it. I let the ball drop (good timing on that pun what with New Year's Eve being tomorrow) on the last award, and I feel really bad about it.

P.S. Last warning--I am taking my stuff to the consignment shop tomorrow. My goal is to have it all gone by 4:30 pm tomorrow afternoon. Just saying, if you are eyeing something, let me know...I have a piece on hold for someone for a little bit so that way I don't take it tomorrow (the buyer will buy it in the future--so it works for me)!


  1. The print maybe the place floral - looks very similar to the print on my Kya cami.

    I haven't seen before you posted on it either!

  2. MaryMoo: Thank you! I created a polyvore set combining the Palace floral kya cami with the ruffled cotton sateen dress to create this dress.

    I appreciate knowing that you had never seen it either. What a mystery!!!

  3. I got turned off the Real World when they were in LasVegas. I think it's gone even farther downhill since then. Don't get me wrong, I still like to watch trainwrecks, that's why I'm hooked on the Jersey Shore and cannot wait for a new episode already! :)

  4. Oh, Pamela...I should have said, I still watch the Real World, but I have skipped a season or two. Las Vegas, skip!!! (Thank goodness.) Denver, skip!!! (more of the same.) Brooklyn, skip!!! (etc., etc.)

    Worst season that I did watch? Probably Hollywood. I actually really liked watching Cancun, but man, those cast members were all OVER the place.

    Have heard interesting things about Jersey Shore. Maybe I will check it out!

  5. I just noticed that dress on the site today too! It is in my cart, actually. The funny thing is - one of the characters in a show my daughter was watching yesterday or the day before was wearing this. Not Wizards of Waverly, but one of those - cannot remember which - it was a teenager and she had a black belt with a bow on with it - and I thought Gee! That looks like a J Crew dress! I'll try to figure out what show that was...

  6. Dina! The jcrew outlet has a cute blouse with the same print as that dress right now! It's the meringue sleeve top (scoopneck, little puff sleeves).

    I was never allowed to watch the Real World...or anything on MTV for that matter!! I agree with Pamela though, that Jersey Shore show is so addicting! They are unbelievable!

  7. Sweet Tea: Oooh, yes. If you can remember, maybe I can scare up a photo from the show...

    Hmm...the mystery deepens. I am beginning to suspect the dress was made seasons ago, but for whatever reason J. Crew couldn't get it in time, and now instead of marking it as new and having people ooh and aah over it (as we are doing here), they have relegated it to the dreaded final sale. Such a shame, imo.

    Julia: I think I saw that at the outlet, but it was three weeks before Christmas, so I ended up only buying the giraffe cami and the golden roses cardi as I was spending the vast majority of the money on my kids there (crewcuts outlet stuff--AWESOME)! :)

    I definitely think that people should look for that top you are describing, I remember it being very pretty!!! Thanks for the info!

  8. Oh, and Julia? Not letting my kids watch MTV until they are 45. ;)

  9. I personally prefer watching Real World/Road Rules Challenges...and am completely horrified that Pamela commented here that she is watching Jersey Shore!

    That was filmed seconds from my home and is NOT at all the way it "really" is here.

    Although I never take my children to those beaches over there maybe it is sorta like the show...

  10. Eleanor: Ooh, this is getting good. (And we are leaving soon, too, darn...)

    I thought I was the only person left watching the rr/rw challenges. Seriously...they are addictive. I don't even let Mr. Dina know I watch them, they are that bad, lol.

    Hmm, now I am super-intrigued by Jersey Shore. On one hand we have these amazing people living just down the road from where this show is produced, and on the other hand, we have a show that has some "interesting" characters (from what I can gather).

    All I know is that if I do watch the show, the whole time I will be thinking--Julia is watching and Eleanor lives near there. :)

    Eleanor, rr/rw question...are you a fan of suzy (susie?)? She bugs me but I can't really figure out why!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. FYI-A new episode of Jersey Shore is on tomorrow at 10. I skipped a few seasons of The Real World but this one looks interesting and I've never missed a season of the RW/RR Challenge. Susie is terribly annoying and I can't put my finger on it either. I'm also addicted to The City. If you care, Whitney's boss Kelly, got her own Bravo show that begins on 2/1 @10. I stopped watching the Hills after Lauren left. You're the only ones that now know my hidden addictions beside my friend Alexis. I feel free. Thanks ladies

  13. My size 8 Cropped Ripstop Cargo pants stretched out a LOT too!! When they went on sale I ordered the khaki (almond?) color in a size 6 and they're a much better fit!! Since it has gotten soooo cold here, I haven't had a chance to wear the khaki ones yet though. Oh, and the first time I wore the olive color- both of the buttons popped off!!! Yes, very annoying! :-/ I must remember to re-inforce my other pair before I wear them!! ;)

    Cute outift, btw!! (:

  14. Its her "wholesomeness" and the way she articulates that combined make her slightly irritating...

    Big RR/RW confession and I can't believe I am divulging this....

    I LOVE CT!!!!

    There I said it and you can look at me with sheer disgust like my husband does when he pops up on new episodes!
    I can't help loving him because he is such a BADASS!!!!

    Oh and I meant to mention...seriously the cutest thing seeing CW sneaking in your photo - those pics make me grin from ear to ear.

  15. I like your preppy look with the blazer. My rip stop cargo pants had the same problem with the top button... it fell off after couple wearings and I've yet to fix it... :-P

  16. do not watch TV, but some NJ legislators have asked MTV to stop filming the Jersey Shore because it might hurt NJ tourism! I guess the more controversial it becomes, the more attractive it will be to viewers.

  17. It's the palace floral print dress that was a retail only item last spring

  18. Eleanor - You're not alone. I've heard this before. You're among friends :) No disgust here. I get it and you totally nailed exactly why Susie makes my hair stand on end. I also agree with you about Dinagideon's adorable little one. Totally adorable. Back to fashion. Never bought the Cropped Ripstop Cargos b/c I'm afraid they'll make my hips look bigger b/c of the pockets. I'm short so I think they'll hit in a bad spot. Although they look fabulous on Dinagideon. I bought the Frances Heart Cami b/c of you. I may have to try these also. Happy New Year to all.

  19. You totally made my day- I saw this dress in the store in KC last year and was obsessed with it and thought "Oh, I'll wait to buy it," but the next time I went in, it was gone and I never could find it online. My guess would be it was retail online, so that's probably why we both never saw it online! I ordered it today!! Thanks for the tip!!

  20. laceysiegal: Anytime, sister, anytime. I felt very free the first time I admitted to some of my more "normal" friends that I watch as much MTV reality tv as I do. I still think they don't know what they are missing. ;)

    MMM: So I was in the store tonight and ANOTHER lady was wearing my exact pants. Too funny. I should have asked her if her buttons popped off, too. But then I realized I need to just stop. And I did. But, oh, I was tempted...

    Eleanor: Normally I am pretty positive person, but Susie seems to be that wholesome to your face but talks trash to you behind your back. And that is loathsome behavior. I have never understood that...I get tact, sure, but just straight out lying? Never ever cool. Just my opinion...

    Also, the very careful way she says stuff is a bit twee, eh? Although if she was nicer, maybe we would find it more endearing???

    Oh, and a BIG SWOON to CT. Fell for him hard when he was in Boston. But the biggest crush I had was da dum...the BOSS dude from his season. Isn't that strange? He did me in...such a sweetie!!!

    JCMama: I fixed mine, but am irked that I had to. I am not a seamstress, and my button is holding on pretty. darn. good. I tell ya!!!

    C: Ooh, wow. That is amazing. Hmm...I am sure we will hear more on that front!!!

    Anon: Yes!!! And that would explain why I don't know it...I rarely get ;) It's true, kind of sad. But, I did go tonight, so I am expanding my universe slowly.

    Laceysiegal: CW sends you all a big hug for all the nice things you are saying about her. SWAK!

    Ooh, the heart frances cami, these pants, and the spicy olive v-neck cambridge cable sweater. OMG. Perfection!!! Thank you for the idea!!!

    Lindsey: YAY! YAY!!! YAY!!!!!! Very cool. I am so glad that my conundrum helped others...

  21. Darn you, I did all my final sale purchases and then you go show me this lovely dress.....

    I am a RR/RW challenge, Real World and Jersey Shore junkie as well. I too have skipped a few RR seasons here and there, okay only one-Australia. My favorite are the challenges I just wish Susie, Casey and Kelly Ann would take a long hiatus!

  22. LOVE THAT DRESS! Thanks for posting about it.... just bought it myself! It's gorgeous. I have the top that the print was also in from last spring I believe. I hope the dress is the same material it's so pretty!

    I haven't watched Real World for a few seasons but I'm going to tune in for the DC one. The last season I watched was Australia and that was because my friend was featured on it. Now the jersey shore show I'm addicted to.... I can't help laughing through the whole thing!

  23. wow, I haven't watched Real World since the London and Boston seasons. I have a caught a few episodes since (new orleans comes to mind), but stopped following several years ago. I always thought it was funny how'd they always throw a redneck or Mormon into the mix with a gay person to see if hilarity/awkwardness/cultural awareness ensued. :P

  24. Debye: Just doing my job finding all sorts of randomness at :)

    That's interesting that you skipped the Aussie show. That might be one of my favorite seasons, ever. I really liked the one guy with a shaven head, most "normal" cast member in my memory of the show. I think he went on there to prove that MTV will choose folks who aren't completely messed up.

    Summerilla: Considering half of wardrobe is identical, it doesn't surprise me that you love it!!! ;)

    So who do you know from the Aussie I was telling Debye that may be my fave season, ever. I pretty much liked everyone on that show...

    Tastymoog: I HEART the london and boston seasons. Those were good times.

    Yeah, right now they are trying to create mess with a "I am never PC" guy to "I am bisexual but not all the time" guy to the "I am an adopted African American guy who is an atheist" and the "I am a vegan photographer Republican." I don't know that it will work. No one this season has the crazy eye. Now Cancun? Crazy Eyes A-Plenty!!!

  25. I'm with Pamela and have been watching Jersey Shore. Also looking forward to a new episode. If anyone thinks that all people in New Jersey or even at NJ Shore are like that then that's their narrow minded problem.

  26. Oh - I am loving the pants - I have them in my cart but they scare me. I don't know if I should do it or not. Not the best for my body shape - size 8 - two kids - hips you know the drill.

    I am a huge reality show junkie - love the RR is in DC.


  27. Gigiofca: Mmm...I agree with you on the whole don't define a place by a stereotype. There are tons of folks who really look down at the DC area because they think everyone here are a bunch of a-holes, but we aren't, especially those of us who didn't come here to find some glamorous job in government and politics. Most of us that grew up here are way more humble in that regard, there have to be people in any community who do the non-glamorous work like teaching, nursing, dusting, sweeping, etc. BTW, some of my closest friends are from Jersey. Sweet, sweet, and very honest folks.

    Rachel: We should have a RR DC viewing party. I would even let you try on the size 8 to see if you can do the pants on your body. I was hesitant, but have found that I just need to go for it...and if it doesn't work out, hello JCA exchange. :) You know my e-mail???

  28. Dina-
    I don't have your email (I think I mentioned that in my other post)
    Let me know when you get that dress- it is sitting in my cart with those pants.
    My JCrew addiction is new and I am learning my sizing - so Final Sale is very scary to me.
    I don't like to make mistakes in the $100 range


Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!