
Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Rex!!!

1. You barely ever make it onto this blog anymore because you are in constant motion, but when you do, your smile lasts for days.
2. You mean the world to so many people. Always, always remember that!
3. Every chance I get to spend with you, happy, sad, angry, silly, frustrated, antsy, or sleepy, is a moment that will be stored in the world's largest memory bank--a Mommy memory bank.
4. I love you, Rex. Happy Birthday!


  1. awwww! A Big Happy Birthday to your sweet little guy! They grow so fast :)

  2. Awwww, this was so cute! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, REX!

  3. Happy Birthday Rex!! What an adorable little guy!!

  4. Happy Birthday! He looks so adorable in that picture.... ;)

  5. star wars legos, i love those things! happy birthday, rex! :)

  6. This post is too sweet, Dina. :) I love it!

    And happy, happy birthday to our our ever-in-motion whirlwind, Rex!! And Mommy memory banks are the best things, really. ;)

  7. Happy Birthday Rex!

  8. Happy birthday Rex! I almost cried when I read your mom's post! You are a lucky little guy to have her as your mom!

  9. Happy Birthday Rex!!! Did you get my email about what he wants for his birthday?

  10. Adorable!! Happy bday to Rex (and belated to Mr. Dina)!

  11. Happy Birthday Rex!!!

  12. He's a sweetie, Dina! Happy birthday to Rex!

  13. How have we not talked about this before? Today is my mom's bday, too! And don't forget Abraham Lincoln....

    So Happy Birthday Rex - hope you bakugan'ed your heart out today!!

  14. Happy Happy Birthday to Rex!! Your post is just the sweetest.... Rex, and CW, are so lucky to have you as their Mommy!

  15. Happy happy birthday, Rex! Hopefullly you got a LOT of toys.:)))

  16. Hi, all! Rex sends you all a BIG HUG and a HUGE SMILE. :)

    Tastymoog: You would LOVE LOVE LOVE Mr. Dina's GINORMOUS collection of star wars legos. I am not even kidding when I say GINORMOUS. Ask HeidiG. or Summerilla or Drewablank...they have seen the proof!

    Ema: Ah! That is so nice! Sometimes when reading other people's blogs, I tear up, too. I guess we are just sensitive!!! (Which I think is a good thing...) :)

    Summerilla: By now, you know I have! :)

    HeidiG.: He is pretty much capable of swimming in his bakugans...yet, and this is the crazy thing, there are still more out there. A WHOLE WORLD OF BAKUGAN. (Some of the websites devoted to them are even more obsessive than our dear, beloved JCA.) LOL.

    Slastena: Feb. birthdays are pretty darn special! (See what I wrote to HeidiG. regarding toys and Rex.) :)


Remember, my blog, my rules. If you are a pleasant person when you comment, I will 100% publish your comment! Thanks, and here's to good times!!!