
Monday, February 22, 2010

Polyvore's Love Letters...

Untitled by dinagideon featuring J Crew

You all--get this--I was mentioned in Polyvore's blog in their February 19th Polyvore Love Letters-Blog Roundup. I thought, maybe, just maybe, something was up because I kept having this polyvore set of mine faved by all these random (yet incredibly sweet) people. Well, it keeps happening, so today, after the 16th fave (one of my all-time highest number of faves for a set), I clicked over to the Polyvore blog and saw that my set had been written up! (I knew to look at the blog because HeidiG. had one of her polyvore sets on the has always been my little dream to have one of my sets appear over there!)

Because I have been so insanely busy with Rex's birthday party, having Mr. Dina's parents in town, and the ever-fab DC JCA group get-together on Saturday night, this bit of "awesome" totally bypassed me!

It is a total surprise and makes me so happy! Whee! :)

More today, promise...I have an upcoming post in which I am wearing the tiered silk cami in papaya under the tie-front cashmere cardigan with the Crystal Devote necklace (yes, the one being discussed right now over at JCA).

Talk soon.


  1. Congratulations!!! The outfit set is cute, I'm not surprised it was featured on their blog!
    I can't wait to hear more about the JCA meet up!

  2. I thought that was your new necklace in the email...

    Love this PV, loved the outfit IRL!!


  3. Congrats on the write-up! So exciting! And I can't wait to see that necklace "in action" - I saw it in the store yesterday and it would be helpful to see how a real life person might style it. :)

  4. WooHoo!!!

    And though you cannot see her, Lola is doing a happy dance for you!

  5. Check out Johnnie B, STAT! It's Boden for the teen set.

  6. nice blog! :D I LIKE IT

    I follow you, i hope you follow me toooo????

    i`m happy if you follow me toooo with bloglovin ;)

    kisssss from germany ;*)

  7. yay for you! i happened to click on their blog that one day and i saw yours along with others. congrats to you! i was like, "i know her!!!" hehe (i know you on some sort of level..)

  8. Hey, guys! Good afternoon to everyone!

    Thank you for your sweet words of support...I was honestly agog that I had made it to their blog...

    Rats on Parade: The post is up...I think I have converted some people over to the Devote dark-side *haha*.

    Rosa: Oh, man, that is too precious!

    Ashley: In spirit, we know each other very well...and that is what matters!!! ;)

  9. The necklace looks totally different on..smaller. I like it in this colorway. Love the papaya color on you, too:)


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