
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Raveneli Blouse Styled by Yours Truly...

I was DESTINED to own this blouse. Here is why. First, I spied its loveliness in the Anthropologie catalog a few months back. Second, one of my favorite blogs, What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? highlighted it in a post on whether or not Emma Pillsbury would in fact wear it. (Decidedly yes!) Third, on the VERY day I bought it on sale, Dea of The Dea Diaries goes and shows how she wore it. Yep, three times a charm.

And here is a fourth.

Size 6. Could have gone with a four as there is plenty of room throughout, but I kind of like it a little loose. It can still be yours...a few sizes are left on the Anthropologie website. I will go into the details of the top after the next photo (which shows the blouse on its own).
Jacket: Size 8. Love how the schoolboy blazer is structured enough to balance the ruffles and bows of the blouse. Very nice contrast.
Pants: Size 10. Another example of WHY. YOU. SHOULD. NEVER. BUY. CLOTHING. POSTPARTUM. Yes. It is now too big and when I bought them they were too tight. Sigh. Oh, well, at least I think I can dry them in the dryer to take in some inches. You can't really tell how big they are, but trust me, I was doing the ole "hitching up" dance all night. Don't pretend you don't know what that dance is... :)
Boots: Size 9. Yes, I love you, Naturalizer! Best $25 I have spent in a long time. I wear these all the time!

We were going to IHOP and then bowling. Both were fun. Did you know that if you have a kid at a bowling alley, they let the kid "cheat" by giving them this cool metal ramp to give their ball a good ole head start down to the pins? Rex did way better than me and Mr. Dina...and we used to be on a bowling league (no joke--we own shoes and everything!).

So here is the top sans jacket. It is fluffy and bow-tastic, but not enough to make Mr. Jim crack up at my expense or anything, so in my mind, this makes this top a winner! ;) Go, go, Girls From Savoy (they made the top).

What is Rex doing back there?

Have a great night, all!