
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Now Have My Own Arbonne Web Site!

I am wearing all Arbonne makeup here. If you would like to know how to do this yourself, you can wait a few weeks when I do a tutorial on a Mommy Style Monday, or you can e-mail me at my new e-mail (see below for the address)! And yes, CW is PRECIOUS, and she is wearing Arbonne baby care. :)

For months, I have been asking my Arbonne customers to go to a specific page at Arbonne, look for the EXACT box they need to go to in order to enter my consultant number, click on that link, specify which type of client they want to be, pick and choose items, then check out. All that time you may not be 100% sure if you are actually supporting me by choosing to buy Arbonne.

Well, I finally did it...I got my own My Arbonne site, which goes directly to my version of Arbonne. It still allows you access to all the great products, but there is a whole lot less of the red tape needed to buy the products. And best of all? By buying the super-awesome, all natural skin and body care products you are supporting me and my desire to continue to be a stay at home mom. So for that I thank you!

Enjoy looking around, and if you have any questions, or if you would like to be on my e-mail list. please e-mail me at (I am now importing all my clients to this new e-mail, so if you have been receiving e-mails from me at my old e-mail address, expect to see a new e-mail the next time I send out my end of the month specials!!!)

Thank you all, and I look forward to helping you Glow, Radiate, and Sparkle with Arbonne!