
Friday, January 28, 2011

Boden Buy and Sell!

Did you miss out on a favorite fun skirt?  If so, this is your kind of post!
This kind of post is for you, the Boden Aficionada, who has an item(s) that you either want to sell, or really want to locate.  Disqus is fabulous for this kind of a post as you can directly comment to another commenter about either wanting the item, OR letting the person know that you have an item (or know where to find the item).  Disqus also allows you to add direct links to other websites, so if a photo of your items exists, go ahead and post a link to it!

Please no re-sellers.  Thank you! 

Please note that any transactions are independent of this blog.  Just like the other ladies at JCA or Effortless Anthropologie, I in no way can act as a mediator for any transaction, communication, or lack of communication. :) Moreover, please limit comments about items to the "Boden Buy and Sell" posts (which should be posted every Friday).

NOTE: This is not limited to Boden for women.  You can post re: Men's Boden, Johnnie B. (junior's line), mini-Boden, baby Boden, Boden Limited Collection, and Boden Maternity.

Thank you all!!!