
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tweedette on the Town.

I had some photos in Picasa that I had nearly forgotten about UNTIL I saw Slastena's post on how she celebrated Christmas: Russian Style.  Then I remembered that I had worn the Tweedette dress (also called the Luna Mixy by Net-a-Porter) out for dinner with the DC JCAs back in mid-December.

I won't get into how awesome the dinner was (it was--and Rosa did a fab write up over at True 'Crew Love), but I will quickly publish the photos.

The last time I showed the dress to you it was for a review, and was not dressed up in the least.  LOL.

It looked way better dressed up.  The polyvore above has some of the pieces from the outfit, except for the jacket and the tights.

I wore the flats because I had just had the PFO closure (three days before) and I didn't want to wear heels.  Heels would look awesome and the next time I wear them, I will break out one of my kick-butt pairs that I own.

Love the pockets, btw.  :)

 This expression cracks me up.  I look scary.  I wasn't mad or anything, either.  I actually felt great that night.

The jacket is the Black Herringbone Bella Jacket (another ebay score--$40).  I liked how the jacket helped show off the very pretty neckline of the dress.  (So you know, I did safety pin the neckline, and at the end of the night when I took the pin out, there was no damage, just the tiniest pin hole that I know can be steamed out.  I will probably add a tiny clasp in the near future.)

We went to Oyamel...where they serve fried grasshopper tacos...and yes, that is me eating a grasshopper taco (IT WAS GOOD!).

After, drewablank drove me home and we grabbed this pic.  We had such a nice time, and doesn't drewablank look BEAUTIFUL?

Alright, that's all for now.  I am in Las Vegas for an Arbonne conference (whee!!!), and will only be posting when I have extra free time.  So you know, Arbonne just announced a whole new line of gluten-free, certified vegan, with no artificial sweeteners "Arbonne Essentials," which includes "Daily Essentials" (vitamins, supplements, and easily absorbed probiotics) and "Fit Essentials" (protein shakes, teas, and dietary aids).  I will be sending an e-mail to all of my clients about this but if you are interested and NOT on my list, please e-mail me at  Thanks!!!