
Monday, March 28, 2011

From Fresh Faced to All Ready to Go! (Intro Post!)

I mentioned in my post last night that I have recently discovered many people are landing at My Superfluities because they are searching for more info on Arbonne products.  I have done quickie reviews of items before, but in general, I limit my activity with Arbonne to mentioning it as part of a giveaway or a "hey, look how my makeup works with my outfit" post.

But I have learned a thing or two about how blogs can help educate the public...and I obviously have been doing this for over two years as a big fan of J. Crew, Boden, and Anthropologie, and since this was my main "thing" early on, I guess I just decided that was where my emphasis would continue.  (And it will, I promise.)  But that doesn't mean that I should never have posts on something I know a lot about, like skin care and cosmetics.  (And mid-century modern things and historical archaeology in Virginia, but I will hold off on those for a

So I am going to really focus some energy (now that I have loads of it) towards increasing readership for what I know about Arbonne.  Since I am a consultant (which should be fairly obvious), I do not have the "un-biased" approach, but I am not exactly "un-biased" about J. Crew, either, hole-y shirts and all.  I will NEVER recommend something I personally don't love or haven't heard that others love.  (I think I will probably be staying away from reviews on the clear skin line as I and my friends who use Arbonne have no experience from it.)  I will grab all info and reviews on Arbonne from people I know, and I will add anything you may want to think about before using a product.  (Like if you need waterproof mascara, Arbonne's version won't work for you because the waterproof mascaras contain chemicals that Arbonne has taken a very firm stand on not using.  Also no nail polish--sad face--or hair sprays, etc.  On the days I swim, I must take off my mascara before swimming, lest I scare other swimmers away with my raccoon eyes...)

Okay.  Phew.  Nice and long explanation...I know some of you are all, "umm, dinagideon, just explain the photo collage already."  ;)

Over the next few days, in conjunction with my "Free Sheer Glow Highlighter with $100+ Purchase," I am showing how I go from freshly moisturized face to all made up in 8 total steps.  For a lot of you, this will not be super-helpful as you may already have a routine, but I have a feeling there are a few people who would love to have a step by step guide to getting made up with Arbonne cosmetics.  So I will provide.

This post just simply explains what is going on...the total posts will be based on the steps.  I may put a few together (like the tinted moisturizer and makeup primer steps, for example), while others will be stand alone (probably the one on the sheer glow highlighter itself).

So, anyhow, have a great day, and I look forward to putting the above guide/collage into words.