
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! by dinagideon featuring leather pumps
We spent our Easter with Milly! :)

The moment I saw these dresses in the Spring Preview over at MillyNY, I was sure that I had found the Easter best for at least half of the family. I pre-ordered them, and while I gave both CW and I a sneak peek into how they would fit, I didn't actually let us wear them out until Easter actually came. 

On us, very early this morning.  No way were we going to go to the 9:30 mass.  I am done with the popular Christmas and Easter masses (it is really hard for the kids because all these people show up for mass only on Christmas and Easter and my kids act like crazy people because they aren't used to being smooshed by humanity when normally they have a WHOLE THREE ROWS to themselves).  No, sir, no how.  It is 8 am mass for all future C&E masses in the future.  Yes, Mr. Dina just LOVES that I put my foot down on that one.  LOL.  Can you tell he isn't quite the morning person that I am?  (Yes, that is a deep, dark secret of mine, I am *that* person that jumps out of bed with a jaunty hello and how are you doing...CW is our morning bird toddler...not Rex, never Rex.)

CW is in the 4T size, while I am wearing my TTS 8 in Milly (this dress is called the Colette Sheath Dress, which I gather is what they call any variety of dresses in this shape...last fall they had a tweed version of this exact dress).  I can never wear smaller in Milly, unless it is cut wider in the hip.  This dress is fitted throughout, with the exception of my bust...where as per usual, I might could have done with a little something something.


I felt very January Jones in this outfit, especially with the gorgeous Cole Haan Carma Peep Toes in botanical green.  Hello, 1964!

And the back zipper takes 1964 into 2011.

From the side.  I like that this sheath is a bit longer than other Milly dresses, which can be a tad short.

I love family photos like this.  I couldn't exactly expect Uncle Peter (in the red shirt) to hold hands with Amanda (my stepmom), but it would have been really cool if he had.  LOL. 

Notice how CW's dress has a sash that ties in the back.  Aww.  :)

Ubiquitous makeup shot...not a ton on today.  Don't really feel like competing with the print. 

This is Rex hunting for eggs.  He is totally onto Mr. Dina.  We said, "Rex isn't it great that the Easter Bunny laid eggs back here?"  And he was all cool and suspicious and said right back, "No, Daddy, you put these eggs out here, you are the Easter Bunny."  CW has no problem believing that the Easter Bunny visited, even if that Bunny has a really groovy beard and is slightly grey-ing. 

Love it.  Easter Sunday is absolutely one of my favorite days of the year.  And this year is one of the best--you know it is like 88 degrees out there right now???

I sort of look like I am micro-managing his hunt, don't I? 

Love this.  Everyone smile now!!! :)

Mr. Dina (aka Bearded, Grey-ing Easter Bunny) with CW.  So cute!  :)

BTW, the last five photos were "fixed" by saturating the color, then going to Picasa's Picnik site and further "fixing" them with Film Grain and Cross Process.  I highly recommend both Picasa and Picnik if you want to have fun with your photos but don't have the time or energy to use a Holga or DSLR, etc.

Okay that is probably it for now.  :)

Sneak Peek:  I am going to be offering a free RE9 Advanced Cellular Renewal Masque with every $75 plus purchase made over at my Arbonne website starting tomorrow (expires Friday, April 29, 2011).  Be on the lookout if you want to take me up on this offer.

P.S. Those of you (mainly my lovely Canadian readers, it seems) who want to know more about my fun times at the Rush concert (plus outfits, of course) will need to wait, but I promise, the pics will be coming soon.  (I did have an amazing time.  Those guys really truly rock. every. single. time. I. have. seen. them.)