
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boden Autumn 2011 Preview! Yay!

Edda is "capturing" you with all sorts of yummy Autumn fashion.

Louise, of the fab blog Running on Anthro (and clearly Boden, too, lol), let all of us know that the Preview site for Autumn 2011 is up and ready to look at.  (YAY!)

Here's the thing, I am way overwhelmed with all these things I have to do today, but I *should* be able to give the site a really good look later today and maybe choose a few items as my "picks" for the fall.

Until then, would you all mind taking a view and letting me know your picks, too?  You can access the site here.

You all have a great day!

P.S. Don't forget today is my last day for 25% off with the Boden Diminishing Discount, tomorrow the discount becomes 20%, and then on Saturday, it reverts to "normal" with 15% off.  You can access the discount through my sidebar.  :)