Hmm. I was going to check out some availability of stock at Boden this morning for tomorrow's Boden Weekly Review Roundup, and lo and behold...NO site available.
The last time they did this to us was in late June when they put all the the spring/summer stuff on sale.
Having said that, Boden waited until early December last year to make their fall/winter stuff go on sale, so I don't know what to make of this. :)
Also, they gave us that FAB coupon last week for 25% off all full and promo priced items last week, and that coupon was meant to be good until November 30th, which makes me think this is not a move to clearance, but you never know.
Here is that coupon, btw, if you are on a mobile device, which also gives direct access to the (currently down) site:
Boden 25% off plus Free Shipping and Returns!
If this is Boden moving their items to clearance, you all, enjoy! Woo! If not, I wonder what could be up?
I am in Mississippi now (bumpy flight and all, ugh), so I have some ability to get on-line, just not as much as if I was at home in Virginia. I hope to be able to bring you more news of what is going on later today, but if any of you see what has happened, would you mind putting it in the comments?
Have a great Tuesday!