
Friday, December 30, 2011

Pregnant Party Girl Style, Part Two.

Hi!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful week.  I am sure many of you have had this whole time off of work, including some SAHMs!  I have not, but with my husband working in fundraising, this is his hardest time of year as all the end of year contributions come in right now (for tax purposes).

And next week I teach my Winter Wardrobe fashion class again, so it is my busiest time of year, too.  :)

Anyhow, back to what this post is really about...since tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and I have a feeling at least one or two of you are "with child," you may appreciate my take on pregnant party fashion when you are actually really showing (as opposed to part one of this series where I was merely trying to make real dresses work with a small baby bump).

Party On, Pregnant Girl. Part Two.

I wore the above outfit to my hubby's work shindig back in early December, when I was about 23 weeks along (give or take a week, no one really knows what I "am").   I was lucky enough to get the dress on ebay for a really reasonable price (about $40).  I will probably wear it at least once more, and if all goes well, I will either alter it for non-pregnancy, or I will just re-sell on ebay once I am done with this pregnancy.  I had all the other pieces in this polyvore already.

On me, hands on hips.  If you don't look very long and aren't wearing your prescription glasses, I almost look non-pregnant here.  But again, only the legally blind would have troubles telling that I have a passenger.

Sorry about the wonky angles, my dad is a great photographer but not all that great at keeping the camera straight.  And I don't have picasa to fix the angles (oh, my big computer, when shall I ever see you again???).

The outfit was uber-comfy, surprisingly, but I guess that is a given when your waistband is just non-existent.  The dress is a size small, which is exactly right for my bust and shoulders.  I think this dress could work until around the 38th week...after that, all bets are off and if you all see me in anything besides leggings and really loose tops, I will be surprised, frankly.

The details of the top half.  All the accessories (including shoes) are J. Crew from a few years ago.

One last photo, all of it together...and perfectly straight.

So what would I wear if I was actually going to some fancy party/dinner tomorrow night?  (We are hanging with other families at a "family friendly" New Year's Eve/birthday soiree instead, which is fine with me, my outfit will most likely include a sequin tee and jeans.)

I scored the Flickering Slipdress in Jade on Wednesday morning.  I had this dress in my wishlist forever in my tts dress size with Anthro, a size 6, and guess which size was the only size still available?  Yep, the size 6!  Woo!  I have not really grown through the shoulders and bust, so this dress is exactly right for both pregnancy (can accommodate a bit of a belly) and non-pregnancy (when it just is all "flowy").

I think I will wear it, but maybe next week to my fashion class on the runway show day.  Probably pair it with a sleek cardi and tights and boots.  Hmm...

Anyhow, pregnant ladies, think about this one as a possibility, some sizes in the cream colorway are available.

J Crew dress

J Crew dress (see more bodice dresses)
What would I wear if I wasn't pregnant and headed to a party?  This sleeper of a dress from J. Crew.  How in the heck has no one even talked about this beauty?  I found the Marielle dress in solstice floral during the last 20% off sale time, and was floored that all sizes were available, and at $59.99.  I spoke with my PS, who sent me measurements to ensure I got the correct size (I went off my non-pregnant measurements).  The only thing I can think is that the measurements seem to be "old school J. Crew" and maybe women purchased their "vanity size J. Crew" size (for me I would have gone with a 4 or 6), and found that it was too small, necessitating a ton of returns.  Who knows?  Anyhow, I got the 8 (bust is 36 and waist is 30, which will fit fine next year, and if need be and my bust is smaller, I will sew on grosgrain ribbon straps, no biggee). From what I saw (I tried it on, lol, it definitely fit in the hips and the top of the dress, nowhere else), it is well-constructed in a super lovely cotton and is fully lined.  The bodice even has one of those interior bra-type things that you see in strapless dresses which give a little extra support to help hold up the girls and the dress.  I have other strapless dresses from J. Crew and this one has the best support interior bra I have ever seen from them.  (No cups, etc., but very substantial...)

Okay, that's all from me...what are your choices for tomorrow night?