
Friday, June 1, 2012

Boden: Fall Preview 2012!!!

I have a crush on this whole outfit.
Hello, all!  Really quick post from Miami (where it is raining, I might add, le sigh)...

I kept reading over at Boden's facebook page that the fall preview was just around the corner and based on prior years of doing these sort of posts here at this blog, I figured that one of these Fridays would be the drop day for the Boden Fall 2012 preview, and when last Friday came and went with no preview, I kind of suspected it would be today.

And it is today!  :)

There seem to be some beautiful items, of course, and many of them seem to be continuing the trend of "chic-ing" Boden up, with a lot of the images reminding me of J. Crew in their classic years.  (Especially the first image up there at the top of the post.)

I definitely don't have any time to do my preview picks today, but I should have a few moments when I get back and settle back down into my normal Virginia routine next week...but until then, I would LOVE to read your choices, as a lot of the time you see things I don't even notice.

So go ahead, click on over to the Boden Preview site and take a look around.  As of right now there are only women's items, but over the next week or so all the other items should be added.

Also, the 20% off all preview items link appears on the Preview home page, but it is not working right now.  I hope that they fix that soon, but it may be a couple of days.  Definitely wait until that coupon works before you place any preview orders!

P.S. I see my coupon from this last promotion has expired (the one I blogged about in this post), so if you need a coupon for any last minute spring/summer items, I still have the 15% off and free ship and returns link running in my sidebar (and below this paragraph for mobile users--it's that square box!).  I don't know when and if there will be any more coupons, but if the past years are any indication, Boden tries to have at least one big sale right before clearance time, so I will keep my eye out for that, as well.  :)