
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Boden: Site is Down!

Yes, Johnnie.  We will.

Everyone, Happy Sunday!

I have just woken up after a very long night (ended up going to urgent care with what the doctor called a "severe" case of mastitis), but since I rarely sleep in past 8 am, my body won't let me sleep any longer.  I obviously would like to get back to feeling good, but I have to wait until I can sleep.  I am sure, though, that Mr. Dina won't expect me to do much more than relax, so I suspect the laptop in the easy chair and/or the bed will be fine.

Anyhow, I saw that School Gate Style had written on her blog this morning that the sale had started at the UK site, so I figured we were either there OR we would be soon.

And, yes, lo and behold there is a sign saying that their is preparation going on for the sale, which means we should see the sale go live very soon.

I have the Boden Weekly Review Roundup started (you know, the one that has three weeks of reviews in it), but I don't know that all of it will be 100% completed when I hit publish.  I think I will link to the blogs that have had recent posts wearing Boden clothing, but unless there was a very specific review for Boden clothing, I will just give the link to the blog so you all know that the clothing is there. 

You can also check all the fall/winter BWRRs from this site for more, and to remind yourself of something that you may have fallen in love with earlier but had forgotten about.

I checked my e-mail and the affiliate site has provided me a link to the sale, but they say it won't go live until noon, so we have a little bit to wait.  :)  When the link works, I will insert it into this post. 

Okay, all, talk soon, and feel free to let us know if the site goes live!