
Friday, January 25, 2013

OOTDs: Little Birdies and Sketched Trees. And a Cloche.

Day: Thursday, January 10, 2013.

Where: Preschool and Little Gym.

Ease of Wear: (3.5 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.) 3. Felt great, but the belt was not made for Little Gym activities, so I ended up having to take that off to participate fully.  :)

The Signature merino cardigan by Garnet Hill is wonderful, nice and soft, and perfectly sized (this is a small).  They have had this particular cardigan for years, and they always go on deep sale (this is how I got mine).  The current line has some cute prints, especially the scenic one of a European village.

Cool Factor: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.) 3. Well, not especially chic, but the mixed patterns and matched colorways are pleasant enough.  And somehow the pointed toe flats that J. Crew made way back in 2006 are coming back in style.  I guess that goes to show...take care of your stuff and eventually you will be able to wear it again (even if it is a bit tongue in cheek like my "Hammer don't hurt 'em" pants from New Year's Eve). 

Anecdote from the day:  I usually bowl on Thursdays, but had to pre-bowl that week.  I took Angus to his little gym class and to my favorite coffee shop.  And that's it.  Very easy, relaxed day.  I wish they all could be like that!

Day: Friday, January 11, 2013.
Where: Hanging out with my girl Monica and her husband.

Ease of Wear: (3.5 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.) 4. So relaxed and easy to wear.

The Printed Silk Blouse has little birdies all over it.  I originally reviewed this back in October.  It is now on clearance for $82, which is probably as low as it is going to go (Pure only deeply discounts things that are clearly not selling).  This shirt is so lovely and pretty, and I hope to wear it more "dressy" the next time I pull it out, since I don't think the minnies did it justice.  (Those minnies are so big...everywhere.  I thought the 8 long would be perfect, but I should have bought the 6 long, since they are horribly baggy, especially through the calves.  Ah, well, live and learn.)

Cool Factor: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.) 2. The poor little birdies are sad because this is sort of a pathetic outfit.  :-P  I really think had I put on a pair of more fitted pants (or gone the opposite direction and worn a pair of trouser jeans) this would have been a better look.  I also think, though I adore my cloche, a better choice for my head was possible, like my other favorite, the beret.

Anecdote from the day:  I loved being able to see Monica twice that week (the first time was at Whole Foods Wines-day).  That day we just hung out at my house and ate yummy Krispy Kreme donuts and drank some delicious Nespresso.  After we went to grab Rex from school and before the pickup ate at the KFC right next door.  I hadn't been in that KFC since I was 15, BEFORE it became KFC (it was Kentucky Fried Chicken way back then, lol).

Okay, that's it for this morning.  I have the Boden Weekly Review Roundup planned for posting tonight, with a big emphasis on clearance items (though there are a handful of new arrival reviews).  If you have any reviews for me (written or photos or on your blog) and you think I may miss them, would you mind e-mailing me at dinagideon AT aim DOT com?

Have a great Friday!