
Friday, May 31, 2013

Boden: Autumn 2013 Preview is Live!

Well, right on time, Mr. Boden!  :)

As I thought, based on what Boden's FB page kept saying, the Boden Autumn/Fall 2013 Preview is ready to go this morning, on the very last day of May.  (The folks at the facebook page kept promising the preview would be ready at the "end of May.")

I am going to be out all morning and most of the afternoon and evening, but I will be able to at least look at the lovelies at some point today, and if I get a moment, I will go back to the lookbook post and link to the items that were in the press binder.

Until then, sit back, grab a cup of coffee (or glass of something stronger if you are in the UK since it is already the afternoon there), and enjoy all the pretty.

Oh, and if you grab another moment, come on back here and comment with your favorite pieces!

Talk soon!

P.S. I don't know what the code is for the 20% off, but I am sure it will be discovered soon enough.  If you do know, please share, as all of us LOVE having our codes... 

Thank you to both Lila's Mom and Michelle for sharing the codes.  Use either WPFB or PRV3 to receive 20% off with free ship and returns!  :)