Day: Monday, April 1, 2013.
Where: Bowling/Packing for Ireland.
Ease of Wear: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.) So easy to wear, especially the Lands' End Knit Pants
The here and there fox tee from Anthro is so adorable, and is made from the softest cotton. I felt very lucky that I found it over the Christmas season at a sale price and with an additional % off. I think this tee sold fast and then was completely out of stock.
Cool Factor: (3 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.) If I had bothered to wear socks that didn't look redonk against the red lulu bow flats, I could totally have upped this outfit to a 3.5, but "Sally Wrong Socks" didn't realize how stupid the socks looked until she got home and uploaded the photos on the computer. Never. Again.
Anecdote from the day: I had to pre-bowl because I was going to miss the bowling that week, but I kept putting it off so I had to bowl the morning of the day our family was going to be flying off to Ireland. I guess the pressure worked since I bowled pretty darn well. (Yay!)
The packing was no biggie, since I started packing a whole month early. I always do that, I pack like a organizational fool. I wish I could say unpacking was as fun for me, but I *HATE* unpacking. Mr. Dina is constantly making fun of me because of my allergy to unpacking.
Day: Sunday, March 31, 2013.
Where: Easter Sunday.
Ease of Wear: (2.5 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.) I love the perfect pencil skirt and think it gives a nice, sleek line, but oh, man, it is fitted. I find that I can only wear them for a few hours before I am all, "get this thing off of me." Ugh. I still have those darn extra two inches on my high hip (won't lose them until Angus weans completely) and all of my fitted pants and skirts feel off. The fit, just not the way I want them too. (Or they could fit exactly as they used to but because I am getting older, I have way less tolerance for the idiocy of my clothes not feeling good on my body.)
The rest of the outfit felt wonderful, especially the darling wedge heels from Boden (last summer's version; similar here
Cool Factor: (2.5 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.) The day before "Sally Wrong Socks" wore black socks with red shoes, "Tania Sad Tights" wore a pair of grey tights that exactly matched her grey shoes. In my defense, it was really cold that day, and even though it was Easter and I was desperate to wear bare legs, I just couldn't. Plus the control top of the tights helped suck that baby fat right in. LOL.
Even if I had worn bare legs, the outfit would have been a 3, tops. The tresco floral Liberty print is awesome, but it is a whole lot of look, especially paired with the purple skirt.
CW was definitely the coolest girl around, though. ;) (I wrote about sewing her dress here at this post.)
Anecdote from the day: We decided not to cook Easter lunch, so we did what any hungry family of eight (my dad, bro, and step-mom came to) would do on Easter Sunday, go out for Ethiopian food. Mmm, injera! :)
Okay, that's it for tonight. I hope everyone is having a fabulous night (or morning if you are seeing this on Thursday morning)!
P.S. Do any of you watch Style Network's Resale Royalty? I have it on in the background while typing up this post and it is freaking me out how many times they have said the name "Dena." One of their employees is named Dena and it seems every other sentence mentions her name. Thank goodness I don't have a drinking game where every time I hear my name I have to take a drink. I wouldn't just be drunk after watching this show, I would have to go to the hospital. (Note--I don't actually play drinking games, but Mr. Dina and I really like making up drinking games.)