
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Giveaway: Shabby Apple!

Shabby Apple Snapdragon Dress

Hey, all!  As many of you saw yesterday, I did an ootd/review post on the Shabby Apple Snapdragon dress.  I definitely have had a positive first experience with Shabby Apple, and because I was fortunate enough to receive this dress for free from them, I thought I would pay it forward by hosting my own Shabby Apple giveaway.

(I had originally thought the company wanted me to review the dress and host a giveaway, but my bad, I misunderstood.  Regardless, I wouldn't have hosted the giveaway without having tried the brand first, so either way, I needed to give a product a try first before wanting to do a giveaway.)

Anyhow, I always do a giveaway around this time of year, so I figured, "hey, I made a promise, let's make this the giveaway for this time of year!"

Okay, so here's the deal, I would love to be able to say, "hey, choose whatever you want if you win, and I will make sure you get it," but I do have to have a cap on what amount I can spend, but I am sure you all understand.  ;-)

So, if you win, you can head on over to this link and choose any item that is $100 or less*, and you will send me all of the info I need, and I will place the order for you and have it shipped directly to you, as a way of saying "thank you" for reading my blog.

*Canadian winner will have a cap of $80, and International will have a cap of $70.  See rule #5 for more info on why. 

Here are the rules to enter:

1. Make sure to comment with your e-mail address (you can obviously use AT and DOT if you don't want spam-bots finding you), and your choice if you won the giveaway.  Let me know, as well, how you follow the blog.

2.  Please do follow my blog, either through blogger itself, on facebook, or at bloglovin'.  If you follow me through some other way, that's fine, just make sure you mention how in your comment.

3.  The giveaway ends on Sunday night, June 23, 2013, at 11:59 pm Eastern time.

4.  The winner will be announced next Monday morning, June 24, 2013.

5. If Shabby Apple delivers to you, you can enter.  Canadian and International winners will have a lower cap, though, to compensate for the extra shipping charges.  (I am sure that you all understand that, too, especially since shipping to Canada is nearly $30 and international is $40.)

6.  Good luck!

Alright, be back later today with another post.