
Friday, July 12, 2013

OOTDs: Dragging Shorts Out of Their Slumber.

Day: Thursday, May 30, 2013.

Where:  Preschool Run/Little Gym.

Ease of Wear: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.)  Except for the linen button-up coming untucked pretty much constantly, since I didn't belt the shorts (ugh, I hate belting shorts and pants), this was a very comfortable, movement friendly combo.  Kept me cool, too, since May 30th was one of the last truly hot days we have had here.  (Our summer has been very cool and rainy, relatively speaking...highs in the 80s and rain nearly every day.)

Cool Factor: (2 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.)  I matched my infant son, on purpose.  Something tells me that's not cool, regardless of darling French designed necklace, gingham linen shirt, or cute flat sandals.

On its own, the outfit is probably closer to a 3 out of 5.  ;-)

Anecdote from the day:  Not much to report, but I definitely got a lot of "you match your son, was that planned" comments.  Yeah, I don't know that these people asking that question know me very well.  Ha.

Day: Thursday, June 20, 2013.

Where:  Little Gym/Play Date.

Ease of Wear: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.)  Making your own shorts to fit your body means comfort won't even be an issue.  Yay for shorts with enough inches everywhere I need them, and no excess where I don't.  I may just need to sell all my ready to wear shorts and make a whole wardrobe of comfortable shorts made just for my body.

Cool Factor: (3.5 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.)  The look is very hipstery, but I like that look, as we all know.  I think this outfit would have been a slam dunk in 2010, but only with a fedora and ironic glasses, of course.  :-)

Anecdote from the day:  Well, yeah, another typical Little Gym run, but I had both my older kids with me, so they had to chill in the lobby area while I did my thang with Angus at his Birds class.  Fortunately there is glass between the gym and the lobby, so I could keep my eyes on them.  Rex just played on the kindle the whole time and CW found a friend to play with (one of the older siblings of one of Angus's classmates).

Day: Wednesday, June 26, 2013.

Where:  Massage/Winesday.

Ease of Wear: (3 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.)  These ancient J. Crew shorts are amongst the only pairs that I own that I really truly feel great in, and the two pairs I have are in regular rotation in my wardrobe, well at least when it is warm enough to justify dragging them out, of course.

The outfit received a 3 because the very nice wedge sandals hurt my tootsies after walking from the Mint Condition store to the massage and then the Winesday at Whole Foods (a total walk of about a mile).  I shouldn't have walked so fast, but I didn't want to be late to the massage, which was a treat for my birthday.  (It was my bday gift to me, btw.  It felt great!)

Cool Factor: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.)  I think it looks cool, especially with the sunglasses and bag.  The tee is one of my most favorites, I really love the unusual hem, which dips in the back a bit. 

Anecdote from the day:  Well I walked too fast and ended up with blisters, but the rest of the day was amazing.  I mean you really can't go wrong receiving a check for your consigned items, having a stone massage, and enjoying lovely wines with your brother at the local grocery store.

Day: Tuesday, June 4, 2013.

Where:  Preschool Run/Fabric Store with my friend.

Ease of Wear: (2.5 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.)  It was hot that day, and muggy.  I chose poorly, since the shorts felt too tight, and the Short Sleeve Ponte Top from Boden felt too clingy, even though I could potentially see it being okay for summer (the top is currently 60%, so $21.60, for you Boden fans).  I think I can pull this outfit out again, but will have to wait for a drier, less hot day, which around here means fall.  Hmm.

Cool Factor: (1.5 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.)  Nah, not cool.  I think it looks decent, but you know, in a very simple SAHM style.

Anecdote from the day:  I love hanging out with my buddy (she is the mother of one of CW's former classmates).  She sews, too, and is the reason I have any clue about quilting and/or appliqueing.  Without her help, I suspect these pillows (bottom of the post in link) would have looked terrible.

Since I do a lot of garment sewing, she is asking me for advice (she wants to do more sewing for her), but I still think she might be wrong in asking me since I am definitely still a beginner!

Day: Tuesday, May 28, 2013.

Where:  The Os/Nats Game.

Ease of Wear: (3.5 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.)  The shorts rode up a bit since I was wearing silky undergarments (cotton ones mean that the shorts stay in place better).  It wasn't terrible, I just felt that I kept needing to pull them down since I felt like at my age, it is probably better if all of my legs aren't on display.  Next time, cotton underpants, for sure.

Cool Factor: (2.5 of 5 stars--5 being the coolest.)  For an Os fan, I look pretty styling, I suppose, but it's still full-on "let's go Os," so not really very sartorial.  CW looks really cool, and I appreciate her being our middle ground, wearing pink instead of orange or red/navy.

Anecdote from the day:  Did we get to see the game?  No.  Torrential rain came down from the heavens for approximately two hours and by the time they could start the game it was almost 8:30 pm (game was supposed to start at 7), and my kids were D.O.N.E. at that point--especially Angus, who was p*ssed that we were tormenting him with the buggy.

Look at my face and CW's face.  I guess we are related, after all.  ;-)

Okay, that's it for now.  More to come, but I will be traveling a bit over the next few days, so my posting may be reduced because of that.