Well now. I got a computer! So yay for that...I can be back in the world of internet living again. The timing was fine for BOTH computers to break down, since my bff was in town this past week and spending time with her and her family was the most important thing, but now that they are gone and the birthday festivities have stopped, I can get back to the blogging thing.
I wish I had the best and most awesome news to give you, but it is lukewarm, sadly.
Many of you have been asking if I have a coupon for current season items from Boden
I looked at the Boden facebook page and there were a few people asking about any possibilities of coupon code, and the facebook folks were a bit cheeky and all, saying things like, "not right now, but keep your eyes peeled for great things over the next few days."
Obviously they are talking about the end of season sale, since that always comes the first week of July. This year it is officially going to be here on July 6, based on a postcard I received in the mail yesterday (it features the same ice cream image as you see above, but in non-gif form). The affiliate program has informed me that is the date as well. I will 100% be posting about it on Sunday morning when it happens, since I can't imagine this brand-spanking new computer breaking before then. ;-)
That said, I do have good news *possibly* for some of you, but not all of you (though I wish it could be all of you). I was hoping to take a look at the Winter Preview (picks post is here, btw) again yesterday since I had ordered a few items and wanted to remind myself (for the budget) what they were, and the preview site had switched over to the Boden Sale Preview site, which they have done in at least one other season (was it last winter?). Like the prior year they did this sale preview, only certain people are allowed in, while others are not. I couldn't tell you what their threshold is, to be honest. I am getting in, but with the amount I have spent over the years with them (three kids and a mom plus a blog about it--no surprises there) I sort of expected that I would have access.
(BTW, thank you to everyone who let me know that the preview site had switched over. Even though I knew that, I couldn't get to the blog last night to let everyone know, so you all commenting at the last post about it helped me because others could read what you wrote! I did get a few moments to update the FB page for this blog, though, so if you want to have access to the newest info, I usually can update the FB page earlier than I can here at the blog since the FB platform makes updating on the go much easier.)
My own feelings about the limited access to the early sale are very democratic American, of course, which is "why isn't everyone allowed in?" I have zero control over their decision making, though, so my feelings on it matter not one lick, sadly. If it were my world, we would switch over to the sale once the normal season promos end, we would receive free shipping, and everyone would have access. We would also see a coupon at least once in the season that would take an additional % off the sale items, so there could just be an all out feeding frenzy. LOL.
Okay, so that's all I have for you right now. I do have a few leftover reviews for you that I am planning on publishing daily until the sale starts, so I can at least say that the items I chose for this season have been reviewed so you can hopefully make better decisions at sale time. I would really like to get one last BWRR in beforehand, too, so I can get the blog reviews from others included in one place for ease of access for the info.
If anyone, anywhere, has a code for current season or for free ship for sale, definitely let us know. There will be quite a few grateful Boden fans out there. :-) (Don't hold your breath, though, people. Trust me.)
When the sale does go live and I am able to gain access to the link to it, I will place it right here. (Hopefully I remember to when that happens!) The sidebar coupon will change when the sale starts, too, so keep an eye over there for updates.