Day: Wednesday, June 10, 2015.
Where: Winesday with my darling daughter. Pete (my bro) usually goes with me, but he works out in Manassas now, so this means I have to find alternate people/transportation to get to this event. He still comes, every once in a while, but not this week.
Ease of Wear: (4 of 5 stars--5 being the most easy to wear.) Even though I mentioned that there was a pencil skirt lining on this dress in my review last year, I forgot about that and when I put it on tonight, I was all, "wuh?" Sigh. Should've remembered. It worked itself out and stretched out, but still.
The Cole Haan sandals (have had them for years) held up well, especially considering we took the bus back from Winesday. The bus stop is about one mile from my house, so not super close. :-) I have to take public transportation if I don't have a ride, I am a super lightweight when it comes to alcohol.
Outfit Details: Dress, Boden; Sandals, similar style Cole Haan here (I can't find an exact match like mine from this year)
Anecdote of the Day: I wore my Nancy Dress because Lou has been talking about #bodentwins over at her Instagram account a lot lately. When I saw her in her Nancy Dress yesterday, I knew my chance was here, so I took it. I also plan on wearing this dress that @kdot1990 wore a few days back (probably tomorrow). I never thought I would get into Instagram as much as I have, but it is more fun than I expected it to be. :-)
Speaking of Instagram, my Instagram of this outfit is here.
Okay, you all have a great night! We'll talk soon!