
Friday, May 25, 2012

Boden Weekly Review Roundup: Are You Ready for the Weekend?

Hi, all! I hope everyone in the US is either off work today or nearing the point where they are off work (that includes you stay at home moms, too!). :) I will get a reprieve from child care, but not likely until tomorrow when my stepmom, stepgrandma, and I head off to the mall together to "window" shop.

*"Window" shopping is all I can do right now. Memorial sales be darned.  Darned by my budget, of course.*

I am going to keep this roundup brief.  There are plenty of reviews, but I won't spend a whole lot of time dissecting everything.  If I miss something, please do leave a comment and I should be able to get back to you in a bit...

There are no sales going on right now outside of a handful of items marked to 30% off (like the floaty jersey dress).  If any of the items reviewed are in the extra 30% off category, I will make note of it in the copy below the stock photo.

Onto the roundup!

Regular Boden:
Dandelion Skirt.  As you all know by now, Boden frocks and skirts are my favorites and I tend to buy these the most.  So when I saw the pretty detailed hem and embroidered dandelions on this skirt during the summer preview, I knew it was calling my name.

It reminds me a lot of fun skirts, but without all the "fun" that can date the fun skirts quickly.

The spray of dandelions match the hem perfectly and the white cotton is exactly the right shade for hot, humid summers.

This photo, while I like it, is a bit washed out, so I had my hubby take some indoor shots so you could see the details better.

Size 8 Long, or UK 12 Long.

The blooms are really well sewed on and the hem doesn't look cheaply tacked on...definitely made to the standards that all of us expect from Boden. 

There is one negative with this skirt and I am sure you all can see it in the photo.  The wrinkling!!!  It doesn't look over the top messy in real life, but the flash certainly picked up the wrinkling the skirt got from just twenty minutes of wear.  That said, it wasn't much more wrinkled a few hours later (was on the preschool run yesterday), so take that for what it's worth.

Linen wrinkles far worse, so if you love cool skirts for summer but can't bear linen's wrinkling, this is probably a good option.

From the side.  I found that my true Boden skirt size was fine.  I am glad I went with the long, as usual.  I love the knee length, very classic.

The shoes are the uptown heels, and I did a review of those a few weeks ago here.

From the back.  Fits well throughout and the blooms are carried through the entire skirt.

Can't say much about that J. Crew top.  While I think it is beautiful from the front, the back is really sheer.  I was all worried yesterday that I would snag the back and get a hole.  Grr...

After I dropped the kids off for preschool Angus and I went to Target to pick up some sunscreen, etc.  While there I saw that junebug wine was on sale.  All of these wines have dandelions on their labels, and because I am a sucker for matching, I chose the pinot grigio as its label had dandelions that most closely matched my skirt's. 

Earlier in the day a friend of Rex's had come up to me with a dandelion he had found in the grass and when he saw my skirt, he lit up and said, "you have dandelions ON YOUR SKIRT!"  So if you are a teacher or are around kids a ton, or you just like to match your wine labels, this may be a good choice for you.  ;)

Dandelion Skirt Uptown Heels
Dandelion Skirt and Uptown Heels.
I think the white dandelion skirt is the prettiest, but the other two colorways are pretty as well.  

Favourite Jersey Maxi.  I wore this last weekend to my son's tee ball game and then to lunch.  Although Boden's name for the dress is fine, I prefer cismyname's version--the tee ball gown.  LOL. :)

Some of these colorways are on sale, but not the multi pansy in the model shot.

(The affiliate program does not have this in the files...use the hyperlink in the name to get to the item.)

Casual Jersey Dress
Casual Jersey Dress.  Egyptomaniac wore this in a new colorway last week.  As usual, she should be a model for Boden, she looks that good.  :)

Twist Neck Tunic
Twist Neck Tunic.  Egytomaniac bought this and decided the length wasn't right for her.  Instead of returning it, she altered it.  It looks AWESOME altered.

Some colors are 30% off.

BTW, Egyptomaniac--I have left a few comments on your blog the past week and none of them have appeared.  I notice you have 0 comments for most of your posts, when normally you have quite a few.  Just in case you are wondering what is happening, I want you to know I have left some.  Maybe blogger is acting up?

Stripy Tunic
Stripy Tunic.  Poppy's Style is truly ready for the weekend in this tunic...she wore it to the pool with her bikini underneath.  LOVE it.

Retro Bikini Top
Retro Bikini.  Poppy's Style wrote a brief review of this bikini in this post (very bottom of post).

mini Boden:
Twin Pack Summer Rompers.  I love that Angus gets to do his very first baby Boden review.  :)

This the "boy" version of the twin pack.  It also comes with a blue/boat version, which I will show off in an upcoming BWRR.

I think these run slightly big.  I bought him the 0-3 mos size, which is more than long enough (he is 25 inches at 2 months, which is the 99th percentile...not gonna talk about his ridiculous head size) for him...but it is MORE THAN LONG enough if you are a four month or five month old baby, which is when most babies get to 25 inches.  So if your baby is average sized, these will likely not fit until past the 3 month point.

His weight is only somewhat above average, and you can see it is roomy enough through the waist and shoulders.  (Mere 75th percentile in weight, that's my boy.)

Side view.  We were at the doctor getting his shots, etc.  He did not like the shots.  I don't like to see him in pain, but the pain of a minute is WELL WORTH IT if he doesn't get a disease that kills kids and adults.  (Can you tell which side of the vaccination "is it right or wrong" argument I am?)*

*My great uncle lost both his kids (age 4 and 3) to polio in 1951.  His wife ended up in a nursing home with her lungs being powered by machines (and the rest of her paralyzed) for the next 54 years of her life.  Polio is a nasty, nasty, NASTY disease.  Please understand that I respect people and the decisions they make, but I am going to reserve the right to tell this story if someone thinks vaccines are going to hurt their kids.  My uncle was a STRONG and reserved man and when telling me the story of how his kids died, he sobbed.  (And so did I.) So do forgive me this aside in the Weekly Roundup. 

Twin Pack Summer Rompers
Twin Pack Summer Rompers. The girl's version is really cute, too. :)

Okay, that's it. 

If you all are on a mobile device, below is the link to get 15% off and free shipping and returns.

Are any of you going to wear any Boden this weekend, btw?  I have plans to pull out my new bathing suit and the towelling hoody.  I'll let you all know how that goes next week!  :)