How has your weekend been? It s really pretty here in VA, so we have been soaking up all the glorious weather by moving non-stop from one activity to another. Pluses? The activities are tremendous amount of fun, and hopefully the memories of these fab activities will linger in our kids' minds. Minuses? Well, our kids are young and weekend full of activities equals less sleep for the little ones, which means there is just a *tiny* bit of crabbiness from them. ;)
Today I decided to get two outfits from the recent weeks done, and tie them together because both outfits feature a jacket as a major part of the outfit.
First up is the outfit from yesterday, one that features the J. Crew Lexington Jacket in ivory and citron from the Fall of 2007. (Featured in this catalog image from September 2007.)
Started off the day in this whole ensemble, but by about 1 pm it was too hot, and sadly the Lexington had to be put away. At least I was able to have a few hours with this beauty completing my look.
If you open the image, you can see the information on the individual pieces. The shoes are the wonderful Lena wedges which I have worn many times already this summer, but just couldn't make it look 100% right with the outfits, since the wedges were too "statement-y" for the more delicate looks I wore them with...(outfit 1 here, outfit 2 here, and outfit 3 here). I finally feel like I have hit the right note by wearing them with the capris.
Since I had an Eiffel Tower on my tee, I knew the Eiffel Tower earrings had to be pulled out. Not every fashion moment has to be subtle, right? ;)
No jacket and posing with my "ooh, it's the Eiffel Tower, Momma" baby girl.
I have now worn these Pure Collection pants twice. They are so freaking comfortable but still look like proper trousers. I saw them in the summer sale for something like $30 and thought, "eh, why not?" Glad I gave them a shot.
For those of you who want more info on Pure Collection, I plan on doing my reviews in the next day or two. Tomorrow starts a big ten-day sale for them (they are approaching their tenth anniversary on October 10), so I figured it would be very appropriate to schedule my first Pure Collection reviews around then. Until then, if you want to take a look around, here is a link: Pure Collection - 25% Off
Yesterday's activities included a Rex tee-ball game, a lunch out, a visit to a movie theater to see "Hotel Transylvania," and church (the Bishop was there and blessed Rex and Angus!). I knew I had to have something that could go to all events, be nursing friendly, and layered for either heat or cold.
The above picture was taken right after I threw in the towel on the jacket (temps had gone up to near 80 with full sun).
Above is the polyvore of the outfit.
So I was going to just publish the outfit photos from yesterday but then I remembered it has been a full three weeks since I went to the Rush concert (yes, that Rush, not Big Time or Limbaugh, bite your tongue, people). And since this outfit featured both a jacket and the Eiffel Tower Earrings, I figured I would just go with it.
I liked my makeup and hair that day, but was very disappointed in my eye bags. SLEEP. I need more SLEEP. (Thanks, Angus.) ;)
The jacket is from Target. I had briefly considered getting one of these jackets from either J. Crew or Boden when they had them in their lines, but I am so glad I waited. I think this one is $25? And it is super comfy and soft, too, so I think I chose the best one for me.
Look at the size of that beer. I have never had a 24 ounce beer in a can. I felt classy. Yeah. Classy is the right word. Ha.
There's my concert tee from the last time I went to a Rush concert. I was willing to buy another concert tee, but this time the women's tees were all very unfortunate looking. I know Rush is not a girl's kind of band, but come on, there is at least a handful of us that enjoy their music AND enjoy dressing up.
Look at Geddy, up there on stage. I think he totally appreciated my tee and my beer.
After the concert, parking lot. Mr. Dina and I were walking to the car and I got catcalled I haven't been catcalled in YEARS, and the first time it happens to me is in front of my husband.
Okay, all, have a great night. Are any of you able to wear and enjoy your blazers and jackets yet?