
Friday, October 19, 2012

Boden: Catch of the Day! A Little Bit of Everything!

Maybe Johnnie B. and co. saw my blog post with 23 reviews from last night and said, "well, then, if the blog ladies are willing to review every type of item that we offer, then the least we could do is have a sale on all the bits in our collection."

Okay, so my imagination has run amok and instead of my usual delusions of inadequacy, I am now suffering from delusions of grandeur. 

(My hubby says I am too hard on myself, and calling myself the "supermommy of the bare minimum" is not healthy.  LOL.  I am just being realistic, honestly!  I am able to totally handle the bare's all the diy craft projects and baking and completely clutter-free children's rooms that have me all weepy over my inabilities!)

Anyhow, back to the catch of the day.  There is so much on offer (and all through the weekend, btw), that I am not going to do a picks post.  But, I will say that there are some fairly decent deals sprinkled throughout the collection's catch, including many Boden Limited Edition items. 

Also, it appears that most skirts and pants are on sale for an additional % off the base % off (currently 15% off), whether it be an extra 5% (making the total off 20%) or an extra 15% (making the total off 30%).  There are not any really AWESOME deals on the skirts or pants, like there were on some of the other items this week, but if you like these sort of staples, this may be the time to grab them (I may get the zip ankle skimmer in pine, fwiw).

Do you have any items from this "catch" that you have your eye on?  

Okay, until later...enjoy (sale) shopping!