
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Boden: Further Reductions on Sale Items! (Yay Second Cuts!)

It turns out that if you wait long enough before doing your picks post, the folks at Boden will further reduce items so that your picks post will have even better prices.  LOL.

Anyhow, I am about to get on a plane to New Orleans to spend the holidays with Mr. Dina's family (we usually go there for Thanksgiving but you know--reunion!).  Since I have about three nanoseconds before my dad gets here to take us to the airport, I can't go into much detail, but it appears that there are some good deals to be had on many items.  So have a look 'round, maybe there is something you had your eye on, but only at the *very best* price possible.  ;-)

Also, it appears there was a restock of items, so there are many popbacks at the site this morning, so if you had your eye on something and it had sold out, it may be back today.

Okay, have a great day, and I will be back to talk soon!

The below link says up to 50% off, but I promise, there are items at 60% off!