One of my resolutions is to get on top of any awards that are given to me from other bloggers. It is a really nice thing, and while I take every single award seriously, I find if I don't get to it RIGHT AWAY, it falls through the cracks. NO MORE!!! :) Thank you to the wonderful Eleanor, et. al, over at the very cool Shopping the Closet blog for their interest in me and my blog. So sweet, and your words about my blog and my kids were just perfect as a pick-me-up this week. :)
So here goes:
1. For all my goings on about being a native of Northern Virginia (as much as any of us can claim it), I was born elsewhere, in a small town in California. Yes, teeny-tiny. The big time there every year is a carnival and parade they have in June. It is an absolutely stunning place, really close to the ocean, and the people are super-friendly, but it is not typical CA. It is more typical Missouri than anything else. Definitely nothing like Northern Virginia. My relatives are all still there, so I do get to go back, but it isn't my home and hasn't been for a really long time.
2. I also lived in Germany as a small child. I learned German and English at the same time, which bizarrely makes me "bilingual." Supposedly if you learn two languages that early in life you never lose either language, you just fall out of practice. What's even weirder is I will sometimes think of a German word for a word, instead of the English word. I also dream in German, too. And when I was in the Netherlands, Dutch sounded very interesting to me, because it is a combo of English and German...or at least that is what I think it sounds like.
3. I HATE driving. Like DETEST it. I will only drive if I really have to, or if I have someone in the car for me to focus my attention on (while keeping my eyes on the road). I used TO LOVE driving, but slowly, and surely, the aggression of this area's drivers (not necessarily natives of this area, there are a lot of transplants who came here after college) chipped away at my patience, and now I try to either have others drive me or I walk. Isn't that terrible?
4. You all have already heard about my BIG OLE Don Henley crush, but I didn't tell you that I found Phil Collins cute, have I? Yeah, I know. There are others. I will wait till the next "spill your guts" award to tell you more of these oddball crushes I have had.
5. I am attracted to shiny things, just like a magpie.
6. I love my kids, clearly, but I don't really have a saint's patience, so sometimes when I get exasperated with them, I put them in their cribs, walk away, and take 5 whole minutes to collect myself. It has made a world of difference. At first I got really upset at myself, but then I started reading that other mom's do this too, and I felt better. So here I am to tell you all that if you are mom, it is okay to do similar. (I don't leave the house, I literally just go into the next room and wash my face or something...)
7. I am keeping the ruffled Carly dress. I said I was going to return it to keep the money, but my husband says my legs look nice in the dress and says that if the dress makes me feel good, then I need to keep it!!! YAY! Love it!!! :) Plus, he loves LEGOS. Teehee.
Now it's your turn...I am tagging:
1. HeidiG. at Head to Toe with Heidi, my girl numero uno!
2. Drewablank at This, That, and What Not...I miss seeing her and this blog allows me to connect with her at least a bit!!!
3. Slastena at About All and Nothing At All...SWAK to a new mom, I obviously was there when I started my blog, and she was there for me back then...
4. Ema at My Closet, My Baby, and I...such a cutie with a great sense of style!
and in honor of her 1 year blogoversary:
5. Chanel Fashionista at Chanel Fashionista...this isn't because I won a gift today, but to say thank you for a great year!!! :) But thank you for the gift, so very cool!!!
There are so many others, and I love to spread the wealth, so the next time I win an award, I will nominate a whole new crowd of blogs.
Now, let's move onto the Year Behind Us, aka 2009:
I started this blog on January 15, 2009, when I was four months postpartum. It is January 1, 2010, today, and I am now 16 months postpartum. Heehee.
In that time, my style, my body, and my life have changed for the better, completely due to this blog.
I am going to give you an overview of my "style transformation" as I like to call it in a bit, but I want you all to know that as of today I am THREE pounds away from my goal weight. YAY! So over the last nearly twelve months I have lost nearly 25 pounds of baby weight (that doesn't include what I lost before I started this blog).
My life, well, clearly I enjoy spending time writing on blogs. I have two substantive blogs, and two other more utilitarian blogs (one for polyvore and one for selling clothing). I have learned in this year that not everyone is going to like me, not everyone is going to like my clothing choices, and not everyone is nice (that was really hard for me to understand). But I did also learn that there is a great amount of amazing folks out there...and I am fortunate enough to have most of my blog audience be these really awesome folks. You all humble me daily when you turn out to cheer me on, talk with me about really random stuff, appreciate our shared obsessions with J. Crew or Boden, and be my best bloggie friends ever. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
My style? I started this seriously only thinking three or maybe four people would want to talk with me about my style. My early blog followers (Maggy, swak for being one of the very earliest) really really kept me going. Fashion on this postpartum body was very hard to find...some days I was SQUEEZING into something and feeling terrible about it. But then by spending time over at other blogs and seeing what others had to offer, I found some pretty darn awesome looks. There were some clunkers along the way (HeidiG., lame outfit???) but the vast majority were just somewhere in between, perfect mom on the go wear...not mom jeans territory, but you know, this mom is giving it some effort today.
But who does a let's start the New Year post with just "okay?" Nope, not me.
Here are my FAVORITE looks from this year. (I don't have the photos, many are stored in my external hard drive, so you will have to click over to see my choices...plus that keeps it mysterious.) :)
1. 1/15/09--First outfit ever, and even though I was 25 pounds heavier, I think I did a nice job of finding an outfit that looked good with my momma curves. (Featuring the Merino Wave Cardigan.) Oh, and, my goodness, CW IS SO TINY!!!
2. 2/1/09--The day I really played with color. Bright, saturated yellow with a tomato red turned out to be a nice combo. Plus my hair is the winter red, and I now think I like my winter red. (Which is taking longer to appear this year.) (Featuring the amazing Sybil Double Cloth Coat.)
3. 2/12/09--Shimmery in February. I wore this to dinner with my husband and babies. I had lost some weight and I was thrilled by how well the outfit turned out. Still am... (Featuring the Maggie Peacock Jacket.)
4. 3/8/09--Teals and Browns make a nice combo, who knew? (Featuring the merino snow leopard Tartine cardigan.)
5. 3/27/09--Florals and Citron are good colors for my skin tone. I am not sure this was my most popular outfit, but I like the way I looked in it. (Featuring and Ann Taylor Loft Floral Print Top.) Rex's fashion? Hmm... :P
6. 4/30/09--The Cerise Pants (the bright red ones) come out to play. They are bright, but they work with the mix of grey and white. (Featuring the Cerise pants, heehee.)
7. 5/5/09--Tonal Olive...worn to a movie. Wasn't sure but I liked it. Got back from the movies and something like 20 of you had commented you loved it. SCORE!!! :) (Featuring the Olive Victoria Cami.)
8. 6/4/09--Very controversial but this is the ruffled cotton sateen dress in dark mushroom. I liked it and so did many of you...but this may be one of the first time I realized not everyone likes what I feel comfortable with...one of many to come. Smile. I do want to point out that I feel confident that this is a good look for me, and I feel like that is HUGE. (Featuring the Ruffled Cotton Sateen Dress...natch.)
9. 6/11/09--The day I wore some Boden. Love the tunic, love the citron and brown combo. Still love them and will wear the same pieces next year, regardless if they may be a bit loose. :) There are always tailors. (Featuring the silk tunic from Boden.)
10. 9/7/09--I liked the looks from the summer, but I didn't LOVE LOVE them enough to make this list. So onto September I go. This was the day I showed the outfit that I wore to go to the White House in...with my fabulous bloggie friends. Very ladies who lunch, this get-up. (Featuring the Twist Sash Dress.)
11. 10/2/09--Ooh, purple and yellow. Yes, the perfect pencil skirt in plum...nuff said. :) (Featuring the perfect pencil skirt in plum.)
12. 10/7/09--This was the post on the amazing on-line personal shopper I have. She found this dress for me, and when I got it, it felt like I had met my clothing soul-mate. (Featuring the shimmer paisley lawn dress.)
13. 12/3/09--I felt like a Parisian lady in this get-up. (Featuring the vintage tiered fleur top.)
14. 12/12/09--Oh, these pastels plus a punch of yellow? Lovely. (Featuring the Winnie Coat.)
That is all for now. And here is to a whole new Year. Thank you, all. ;)
Now, let's move onto the Year Behind Us, aka 2009:
I started this blog on January 15, 2009, when I was four months postpartum. It is January 1, 2010, today, and I am now 16 months postpartum. Heehee.
In that time, my style, my body, and my life have changed for the better, completely due to this blog.
I am going to give you an overview of my "style transformation" as I like to call it in a bit, but I want you all to know that as of today I am THREE pounds away from my goal weight. YAY! So over the last nearly twelve months I have lost nearly 25 pounds of baby weight (that doesn't include what I lost before I started this blog).
My life, well, clearly I enjoy spending time writing on blogs. I have two substantive blogs, and two other more utilitarian blogs (one for polyvore and one for selling clothing). I have learned in this year that not everyone is going to like me, not everyone is going to like my clothing choices, and not everyone is nice (that was really hard for me to understand). But I did also learn that there is a great amount of amazing folks out there...and I am fortunate enough to have most of my blog audience be these really awesome folks. You all humble me daily when you turn out to cheer me on, talk with me about really random stuff, appreciate our shared obsessions with J. Crew or Boden, and be my best bloggie friends ever. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
My style? I started this seriously only thinking three or maybe four people would want to talk with me about my style. My early blog followers (Maggy, swak for being one of the very earliest) really really kept me going. Fashion on this postpartum body was very hard to find...some days I was SQUEEZING into something and feeling terrible about it. But then by spending time over at other blogs and seeing what others had to offer, I found some pretty darn awesome looks. There were some clunkers along the way (HeidiG., lame outfit???) but the vast majority were just somewhere in between, perfect mom on the go wear...not mom jeans territory, but you know, this mom is giving it some effort today.
But who does a let's start the New Year post with just "okay?" Nope, not me.
Here are my FAVORITE looks from this year. (I don't have the photos, many are stored in my external hard drive, so you will have to click over to see my choices...plus that keeps it mysterious.) :)
1. 1/15/09--First outfit ever, and even though I was 25 pounds heavier, I think I did a nice job of finding an outfit that looked good with my momma curves. (Featuring the Merino Wave Cardigan.) Oh, and, my goodness, CW IS SO TINY!!!
2. 2/1/09--The day I really played with color. Bright, saturated yellow with a tomato red turned out to be a nice combo. Plus my hair is the winter red, and I now think I like my winter red. (Which is taking longer to appear this year.) (Featuring the amazing Sybil Double Cloth Coat.)
3. 2/12/09--Shimmery in February. I wore this to dinner with my husband and babies. I had lost some weight and I was thrilled by how well the outfit turned out. Still am... (Featuring the Maggie Peacock Jacket.)
4. 3/8/09--Teals and Browns make a nice combo, who knew? (Featuring the merino snow leopard Tartine cardigan.)
5. 3/27/09--Florals and Citron are good colors for my skin tone. I am not sure this was my most popular outfit, but I like the way I looked in it. (Featuring and Ann Taylor Loft Floral Print Top.) Rex's fashion? Hmm... :P
6. 4/30/09--The Cerise Pants (the bright red ones) come out to play. They are bright, but they work with the mix of grey and white. (Featuring the Cerise pants, heehee.)
7. 5/5/09--Tonal Olive...worn to a movie. Wasn't sure but I liked it. Got back from the movies and something like 20 of you had commented you loved it. SCORE!!! :) (Featuring the Olive Victoria Cami.)
8. 6/4/09--Very controversial but this is the ruffled cotton sateen dress in dark mushroom. I liked it and so did many of you...but this may be one of the first time I realized not everyone likes what I feel comfortable with...one of many to come. Smile. I do want to point out that I feel confident that this is a good look for me, and I feel like that is HUGE. (Featuring the Ruffled Cotton Sateen Dress...natch.)
9. 6/11/09--The day I wore some Boden. Love the tunic, love the citron and brown combo. Still love them and will wear the same pieces next year, regardless if they may be a bit loose. :) There are always tailors. (Featuring the silk tunic from Boden.)
10. 9/7/09--I liked the looks from the summer, but I didn't LOVE LOVE them enough to make this list. So onto September I go. This was the day I showed the outfit that I wore to go to the White House in...with my fabulous bloggie friends. Very ladies who lunch, this get-up. (Featuring the Twist Sash Dress.)
11. 10/2/09--Ooh, purple and yellow. Yes, the perfect pencil skirt in plum...nuff said. :) (Featuring the perfect pencil skirt in plum.)
12. 10/7/09--This was the post on the amazing on-line personal shopper I have. She found this dress for me, and when I got it, it felt like I had met my clothing soul-mate. (Featuring the shimmer paisley lawn dress.)
13. 12/3/09--I felt like a Parisian lady in this get-up. (Featuring the vintage tiered fleur top.)
14. 12/12/09--Oh, these pastels plus a punch of yellow? Lovely. (Featuring the Winnie Coat.)
That is all for now. And here is to a whole new Year. Thank you, all. ;)
Hey -
Love that you admitted to giving yourself a time out - I too have been guilty of these and wish my kids were small enough (now almost 5 and almost 3)to still do it. Over a year ago I started giving my non-napping daughter "quiet-time" in her room - she stayed there and played quietly behind a child gate. I felt bad until I heard of other moms doing it -
The reality is - moms need time-outs too and I think it is great that you admit to it and do it!
BTW - I don't have your email and would love it - a RR DC event sounds fun - plus I have been flirting with starting a blog and would love to hear your thoughts.
Everything you posted looks great! OMG, I want to raid your closet! great outfits and you look wonderful in each of them! I enjoy seeing your outfits and reading your opinions.
Happy New Year!
Love your re-cap of the year.
Proud of your for the award thing. I wish I could do the same.
Congratulations on your well-deserved award! I love going over your time line, you have made such changes in your life this year! You should be very proud of yourself!
Loved the idea of going over your fave looks from the year. What a great post!
Thanks for the sweet shout out...I think you look fabulous in every pic...and it's great that you are willing to share your journey with us all.
Make sure you enter our giveaway we started for the 1st of the year...especially since the prize is from JCrew!
What a great post!
I really enjoyed scrolling through your favorite looks.
You have very nice sense of style and you have one of the best JC clothes collection!
Just came across your blog, and have to tell you..... YOU SHOULD WEAR THAT VINTAGE TIERED TOP EVERY SINGLE DAY! You looked adorable. But if you don't wear it, and decide to sell it, you call me STAT! It's gone from the website, of course. As soon as I saw your super cute outfit, I clicked right over. Love your blog! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I had a total crush on Phil Collins back in the day as well (when all my friends were swooning over NKOTB, ha!) - something about the oversized tweed suits with the Converse sneakers! Er, maybe that subconsciously prepared me for shopping at JC in the future...
I love today's post :) It's such a nice recap of where your blog has been this last year! I think we all are a work in progress, as you suggest. I look back at my blog photos from earlier this year and some looks I still love and some I think are..."interesting." Ha. It is amazing the friends you meet in the blog world...but it is hard because there are always the negative comments that pop up. I'm glad to see that you continue to blog and put yourself out there! I love reading your blog daily...and I look forward to what's to come this year from you!
I love your look from February 1 and your dress from September 1 is so pretty!
I enjoy seeing another colorfully dressed lady. Makes me feel a little less crazy. ;) Cheers to you, DinaG!
Happy New Year, Dina and the family! Thank you for nominating me, I have to ficgure out how to do the award thing. I have been nominated in a past and feel terrible for not following through.
Rachel: hey!!! Good to know that you do the same thing...I figured I would have a sympathetic audience here. I should though instead of saying, "hey, you two need a time-out," I should say, "I need a time-out," which I am SURE will crack up Rex, heehee.
My e-mail, btw, is dinagideon AT aim DOT com. Please e-mail me if you would like. :)
A blog is so much fun. I get to say things that I think...and to people who "get it." Which is FABULOUS. ;)
Pamela: Thank you. You could raid it...if you lived closer...are you staying warm, btw? I was telling summerilla that my closet is only exceptional in that I purchase the "big" items from J. Crew, you know the ones that people remember for years and years...like the bahia print, or the chain link print dress, etc. My basics are usually from Target, heehee.
Beth: I honor you with the award...you and your awesome blog deserve it...thanks for the reminder...I normally am so bad at posting the award once I get it, I felt very spirtited this time...I hope it lasts!!! :) I would also LOVE to learn 7 interesting things about one of my fave Richmond bloggers.
Kathy: Thank you. Sometimes I look back and don't really see much of a difference (except in rex and cw), but people tell me they can tell, so it must be true. It is like I live too close to myself to truly see it...or something! :)
NoJCrewInJapan: Loved your end of the year post, too. I hope one of our resolutions can be to go someplace we have never been before...what a great idea!!! :)
Eleanor: I obviously entered, although in an awkward kind of way...ergh. Great giveaway, and a Happy New Year to you three, as well!!! :)
SimplyJCrew: Well, thank you...but see my response to Pamela regarding the "collection" I have. :) It is extensive but more so in depth than breadth if that makes any sense??? I appreciate you reading this post. It was a LOOOOOOOONG one...
The Chic Chauffeur: Wow, thank you! Knowing that, I must take it out for a "special" night once every two months, haha. More than that and I think people would worry about me. You know what is funny? I almost sold it on January 1, 2010, the same day you commented, but something held me back...it must be a special sense. If I do ever sell it, I will happily sell it to you, sound good? Your blog is great, btw!!!
Sliver_Lining: Oh, thank goodness. I am not alone. I also thought the other members of Genesis were cute, too, yes, I did, but not NEARLY as much as Phil. :) We should start a fan club...haha. Man, the '80s...
GingerSnap: What sweet, nice words. I know between the two of us we could write a book on the stupid, mean things that have been said to us over the past year..."boobage," anyone? Or "not chic in the least?" Blegh. :P But in the end, we keep doing this and people still visit, which is AWESOME. I can't imagine my life without my kids, and to somewhat of a lesser extent (because I am not over the top), I have a hard time imagining my life without these blogs. :) Such a happy, free little outlet of self-expression we have here, huh???
KDot: Wow, I expected the Sept. 1 look to be popular, but you liking the Feb. 1 comes as a bit of a surprise...only because I picked what I liked and I know a lot of the time my loves are way too bright and out there for most...but AWESOME. :) Thank you!!!
tastymoog: Just because we dress in florals, patterns, and colors that only the very young, very old, or slightly demented wear doesn't mean that we are in anyway any of those things ourselves, right??? If we are, then I say "bring it on...take me to a nursery, nursing home, or a ward...I love me some brights..." ;) You are my girl...
And hey, J. Crew and Boden make them, so we can't be completely alone, right???
Slastena: Oh, hon, you bet I understand. It has been many a time I have received an award only to forget about it!!! It's okay if you don't do it...I just want to say I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! :)
I loved, loved this post. First, I always enjoy learning new things about my favorite bloggers. I didn't know you were bilingual...very cool. I've always wanted to be fluent in another language (but don't see it happening now!) Can't wait to see you in the Carly dress, too. I saw it in-store the other day, LOVED it on the mannequin, but didn't like it so much on me. I'm sure you look beautiful in it!
And how fun was it to look back with you on your favorite looks of the past year? I am right there with you on your picks...esp. the perfect pencil plum skirt and the olive victoria outfits. Btw...I ordered the plum skirt, but since it's on backorder, it won't be here for a while. Can't wait to get it though! :)
Lame outfit, hehehehe. That always makes me smile, you know.
Thanks so much for the award. I swear I'll really do this one. I really do. Nag me if I don't.
Love all the facts. Did not know about the crazy Phil Collins crush, but can't wait to hear more. I know what you mean about thinking in German. After 5 years of French, but oh-so-many more years away, I still find myself coming up with a comment entirely in French sometimes...not that I think I could even carry on a conversation today. Guess I should have kept it up, huh?
Glad you kept the Carly dress. I tried it (will post the meh pics) and said no. I had a sneaking suspicion that it would be too short on a short shinner like me. And the yellow merino sweater? Worse than bad on me - so awful I didn't take a pic b/c I couldn't wait to get it off. Hmmm....
Love the year's looks retrospective. That would actually be a good exercise for all of us. I'll get to it eventually. Need to do the award thing first. Maybe for my blog-iversary.
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