Friday, April 3, 2009

And the Winner Is...

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PINK, GREEN, AND KHAKI! It was close, but in the end the suggestion by FFM of wearing this color scheme in Orlando won out. Close to winning were the combos of orange, white, and deep pink; teal, yellow, and white; and even navy, teal, and yellow. My dad laughed at the color combos I picked out...saying, and I quote, "yuck, white, teal, and yellow," and my favorite, "orange, deep pink, and white remind me of you want to walk around looking like ice cream?" Well, whatever, know, I am the one with a fashion-centered blog (though of course that is not my only focus)... :)

I have already picked out my outfits and they are ready to be packed. Hopefully I can even color-coordinate with my children (although I have no pink for Rex, but I think he has plenty of khaki and green).

So thank you for voting...I truly appreciate your input.

BTW, if you have left a comment over the past few days, I have finally found the time to catch up on my comments back. :) Thank you for your patience!