Of course I went. Baby CW is officially wearing size 2 or extra-small in crewcuts. Rex is already in the big boy size of 3 in pants and 4-5 in shirts (he is a BIG kid). I had to see what yummy fashions are being suggested for children this season!
BTW, if you ever have the chance to see a crewcuts fashion show, GO. The kids are just precious. Oh, and get this...the folks at Montgomery Mall saw baby CW (and darling E.--HeidiG.'s daughter) and were very interested in having them wear crewcuts in the NEXT fashion show. When I told them about Rex they nearly fell over...supposedly it is hard to get boys in these fashion shows. OMG. If both of my kids could be in the next crewcuts fashion show, I would be on cloud nine! How cute!
Okay, I have wanted to wear this outfit that I created for this polyvore for AGES...but wanted the perfect occasion to wear it. Umm, crewcuts fashion show at J. Crew? Yep...I think we have found a winner!!!
Isn't the image of the pretty model from the October catalog just swoon-worthy? I love this catalog image...I feel like she gives us a glimpse of the former J. Crew, that of the Vanessa the Model J. Crew, you know, the amazing Paris Catalog J. Crew. Just a lovely, lovely photograph!
I switched the shoes from the Lulu Flats in the brown/orange color to the animal print Merona Collection flats at the last minute because of baby CW. Wait for it! (Okay, see the 2nd photo if you just can't wait.)
Top: Size Small. This is the sweet guava cashmere tee that I got on sale for a song. I was WAITING and WAITING for this color to go on sale just so I could recreate the catalog picture. Yes, I did kind of feel like a lame-o...
Skirt: Size 8. This is the blue skirt from last year (2008's) roll-out...called the wool double serge skirt. I had wanted the blue from this year's roll-out (the perfect pencil skirt), but waited way too long, and it sold out. Was okay...found this one on ebay and it fits BEAUTIFULLY!
Shoes: Size 9. Love these shoes and now I love them even more because...
Look at CW's leggings!!! And boots!!! And cute tunic top!!! I know...I just can't stand it, either.
Now you see why I HAD to wear these flats?
Baby's Sizes:
Top (Tunic--not the under-layer): Size 3. It is meant to be a top (this is a crewcuts top), but I bought it early and it started as a dress and now it is a tunic. Next year it will be a shirt!
Leggings: Size 18 months. From Gymboree...very cute stuff, even if a bit pricey.
Shoes: Size 4. She is about to outgrow them. I know...so sad. :(

And since HeidiG. was the reason we all got together, I knew I had to throw in a pic of the three of us (E., her daughter, took this pic...she did a great job, btw).
So, thank you, HeidiG. and E., and thank you, Montgomery Mall J. Crew...we had a FABULOUS day! :)
P.S. You know...I see HeidiG. a lot at J. Crew. When Rex and I went to J. Crew together the other day, he said, and I quote..."Where is Miss Heidi?" Haha. From the mouths of babes. :)
Awww, how cute that Rex asked for Heidi! And how adorable that they might be in the next Crewcuts show! I love it! That bright blue skirt is DIVINE too. It's such a vibrant color!
omg, how exciting! what a fun post to read. and I LOOOVE your pairing of blue and guava, it looks fabulous on you!
that is SO cute! all of it! that's wonderful that you and heidi were able to go to the crewcuts fashion show and that your kids might be in the next one.
i love that skirt. i stopped stalking the blue one online but the color is really pretty on you!
It sounds like you guys had a great time. Nothing is cuter than fresh-faced little kids walking down a runway.
I don't want to be a downer but I just do not get this outfit. It's loud and blah at the same time, which I didn't think was possible. And maybe that's bc unexpected color combos aren't my thing or I'm just not used to seeing them quite like this on ladylike pieces in NYC but I think this combo works better in the catalog. I love the pieces and colors separately but together?
I'm sorry. That's just my gut reaction and please don't take offense bc all that matters is that you love what you are wearing and feel great wearing it. And, from the photos, it looks like you did.
Ugh, I'm rereading what I wrote and it sounds harsh. Sorry! Some of your outfits have inspired me to buy a lot of colors I wouldn't normally buy but just not this time around. Maybe a belt or jacket would help?
Great pictures of you ladies and CW looks as darling as always.
Oh I thought of you yesterday when I received my Crystal colletto necklace. I don't usually buy necklaces like that, but I think I got inspired by you Miss Dina! And I love it!
I would absolutely DIE if someone asked me to have my daughter in a Crewcuts show. So jelaous we don't have a Crewcuts here. Especially if I got some % off, you know? Love that skirt and the coordinated animal print.
Oh look you both together, so cute! Wish I have a JCrew here to go shopping and meet friends...
Since no one mentioned your cute new hairstyle, which makes you look much younger, I thought I would. ;)
^Awwwww....that's so sweet:) Dad's are great..wish mine was still alive. Your hair does look great..so sassy.
I missed the Crewcuts Trunk show on Madison Avenue, I must go the next time.
I personally love the outfit and the colors, even if I don't think I would wear it myself. But I think that the turtleneck on the catalog picture was dusty blossom and not sweet guava?
Anyway, I just ordered 2 of those cashmere short-sleeve tees in similar colors for less than $50 (apricot and bright cantaloupe), I think you enabled me with this post!
So much fun!! hahahaha about Rex's comment again - esp when you got him to say it on the phone today.
I told you at the fashion show, but will reiterate - such a great outfit on you - you looked smashing! I always love how you combine colors. It just works on you...not so much for me, I'll stick with my neutrals. :)
Love the bright blue and guava-unexpected but creative and fun! I hadn't thought of using the guava as more of a neutral, that's a good idea.
Looks like you all had a great time at the fashion show! Dress up time is a big fave around here, so I'm going to keep an ear out for something like that in our area.
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